German Scientists Discover Light Shatters Cancerous Cells and Other Diseases

We are still on the threshold of fully understanding the complex relationship between light and life, but we can now say emphatically, that the function of our entire metabolism is dependent on light.” ~ Dr. Fritz-Albert Popp

It has long been held that non-conventional treatments for cancer such as homeopathy, Tai ji, yoga, or acupuncture couldn’t ‘cure’ a disease because medical science simply didn’t understand how these modalities worked. German researchers have proven, with special equipment created for the study of photons stored in our DNA, that there is no need for chemotherapy, or other invasive surgeries to cure the body of cancer. As neurophysiologist, Karl Pribram, has postulated, German experimental physicist, Fritz-Alfred Popp has demonstrated, and many ancient cultures have proven, cancer (along with many other diseases) die in the presence of light.

Biophotonic Science – The History

It has been scientifically documented that every cell in the body emits more than 100,000 light impulses or photons per second. These light emissions, which are not only emanated by humans but by all living things, are called biophotons and have been found to be the steering mechanism behind all biochemical reactions.

Russian scientist and professor, Alexander G. Gurwitsch first discovered biophotons and the morphogenetic field in 1923, but called these bits of light by a different name. Additional research in the 1970s by experimental and theoretical scientists further suggested that biophotons were indeed real. Then, in 1974 the German biophysicist Fritz-Albert Popp, proved their existence, as well as their origin within our DNA and later their coherence, much like light in a laser. From this varied research, biophoton theory has evolved to its present day science.

As an article which recently appeared in Technology Review, presented by MIT quips,

“One of the more curious backwaters of biology is the study of biophotons: optical or ultraviolet photons emitted by living cells in a way that is distinct from conventional bioluminescence. Nobody is quite sure how cells produce biophotons but the latest thinking is that various molecular processes can emit photons and that these are transported to the cell surface by energy carying excitons. A similar process carries the energy from photons across giant protein matrices during photosynthesis.  Whatever the mechanism, a growing number of biologists are convinced that when you switch off the lights, cells are bathed in the pale fireworks of a biophoton display.”

Work being conducted currently at the Rhine Bio-energy lab is advancing biophotonic knowledge in such a way as to recognize this previously unidentified source of energy and information in human beings, animals, plants, and other living organisms.

Biophotons as Chi

The Rhine lab is proving what chi masters, martial artists, yogis, and others have claimed for centuries, that the flow of “energy,” “prana,” or “chi” can be manipulated, with established physical evidence that this energy or chi exists in the form of bio-photons.

Sifu Cicero, an instructor of chi generation, had the opportunity to have her bio electromagnetic energy (bioenergy) measured by the scientists at the Rhine Research Center using a multiphasic ultra-violet light detector which is designed to measure individual photons produced per half second.

Rhine researchers have been able to measure dramatic increases in the number of photons in a light-proof room when certain people were meditating, performing healings, or claiming to manipulate Chi.

The photon produced by the energized electron falling back to its regular orbit coincides with a specific wavelength. The photon’s color is a direct correlation to its energy; this is the photon’s wavelength in the electromagnetic spectrum and thus, the color of visible light.

When Sifu Cicero’s biophotonic energy was measured, the researchers found her biophoton levels were very high, in the ultraviolet spectrum.

Extreme Coherence

Biophoton theory postulates that within the nuclei of DNA molecules in cells of every living thing, biophotonic light is stored. This light is constantly absorbed and released into every nook and cranny of our bodies affecting our tissues, organs, and physiological processes. This network of light is the main way in which a biological organism maintains coherence, or equilibrium, and just as the Pythagoreans postulated, all of life, from bees to entire planets, is organized according to divine geometry, with a signature that best fits each living thing.

Biophotons of a Passion Flower

This is observable as a weak electromagnetic field within organisms, but this is only within the viewable spectrum of light available to the naked eye. Special equipment can measure the strength of biophotons and observe their presence in organisms to a degree which is much more profound than the seemingly weak level of energy as we would normally observe it.

The processes of morphogenesis, growth, differentiation and regeneration are also explained by the structuring and regulating activity of the coherent biophotonic field. Not only does the biophotonic field affect the physical body including the brain and nervous system, but it may even be the basis of memory and consciousness, as postulated by neurophysiologist Karl Pribram and others. (Source)

The consciousness-like coherence properties of the biophotonic field are closely related to its base in the properties of the physical vacuum researchers call simply, the ‘field,’ and ancients called Brahma, the Dao, and other names. The intelligence of the biophotonic field even indicates a way for us to communicate with the non-physical realms of mind, psyche and consciousness.

How Biophotons Cure the Human Form

Given this information, we can start to understand how biophotons cure cancer as well as a host of other diseases.

As Dr. Fritz-Popp has explained, biophotons have a very high degree of coherence, whereas heat, does not. When a substance like biophotons is so highly organized, it can act as a very strong conveyer of information. It is this incredible coherence that allows so many fantastic things to happen in every single cell in our bodies.

Fritz-Popp uses the example of research conducted by physicists at Berkeley, wherein the process of photosynthesis was observed. The coherence, or the organization of the photons taken up by the plant from the sun is so high that very few of the photons are changed into heat. The majority are simply directed into the plant as energy to help it ‘eat’ light. (Source)

It is interesting to note that conventional methods of treating cancer such as chemotherapy and radiation, use heat to kill cancerous cells, thus causing the death of not only sick cells, but perfectly healthy cells also. This could be part of the reason that biophotonic light is so useful for healing a biological organism. We were designed to interact with this energy directly, since it makes up everything in the Universe. (Source)

When Fritz-Popp was asked exactly how biophotons are able to communicate with our cells he stated that our biological system has a much higher level of coherence than we would imagine. The very best lasers have about a tenth of a second of coherence, but the human biological form has a coherence level of days or even weeks.

Instead of relying on chemical messengers or some other sort of modality, we are healed with “the speed of light” since this is the level of communication with which biophotons are interacting with us – and in fact ARE us.  Fritz-Popp explains that this speed and coherence is how cancer and other diseases are eradicated from the body. In essence, the biophotons read the form, know exactly what is awry within it, and reorganizes the information (to health) at the speed of light.

Within each cell hundreds of thousands of reactions are taking place every second that we are alive. Behind this action is an electromagnetic pattern of energy, carried by the photonic light. It is a pattern in the locality of ‘us’ as well as a pattern in time. It tells a cell what to do at what time and what place. This is also how cells communicate non-physically and non-chemically with each other.

In a paper titled Emission of Mitochondrial Biophotons and their Effect on Electrical Activity of Membrane via Microtubules it is explained how cells ‘see’ the light in one another, and take up biophotons just like plants in photosynthesis.

“. . . So far we have not been able to find an exact relation between the EEG diagrams and the fluctuation function, but the synchronous and coherent vibrations of billions electric dipoles of biomolecules cannot be ignored in the EEG diagrams.”

Even more fascinating is the speed at which photons are ‘processed’ by the body’s cells. The photon is taken up in less than a nanosecond, conveys the information needed to the biological form to achieve the greatest level of coherence, and then is given back to ‘the field’ as Fritz-Popp describes it, from whence it came. In essence, that energy is recycled right back into the ether. When we are in coherence, the same kind of healing that chi masters and yogis have used for centuries, is at our disposal – in other words, the form is self-regulating and heals itself.

Carcinogens Block the Coherence of Biophotonic Energy

Here’s where things get really interesting. At 260 nanometers, the message which a biophoton can transmit to a biological form becomes scrambled. This is the signature of a carcinogen. Comparatively, Chi, Prana, or the generation and biophotons restores the divine geometry or coherence of the human form, within which cancer cannot live.

To wit, in the aforementioned paper scientists explain:

“. . . This arrangement provides the cell with a primitive ‘‘eye” that allows it to locate the position of other cells within a two to three degree accuracy in the azimuthal plane and with respect to the axis perpendicular to it [2]. He further showed that electromagnetic signals are the triggers for the cells’ repositioning. It is still largely a mystery how the reception of electromagnetic radiation is accomplished by the centriole. Another mystery related to these observations is the original electromagnetic radiation [biophotons] emitted by a living cell [94].”

In fact, this cell-to-cell, non-physical communication, which happens via the biophotonic field is what keeps all organisms alive, and healthy. As Charles L Sanders writes in the scientific journal, Dose-Response,

Mothersill and many others during the last hundred years have shown that cells and now whole animals may communicate with each other by electromagnetic waves called biophotons. This would explain the source of the bystander phenomena. These ultra-weak photons are coherent, appear to originate and concentrate in DNA of the cell nucleus and rapidly carry large amounts of data to each cell and to the trillions of other cells in the human body. The implications of such a possibility can be wonderfully important.”

Humans as Spiritualized Light

As such the ages-old scientific battle between vitalistic and mechanistic trends in biology and medicine can finally be put to rest. We are light, and thus, light heals all cancer (or any other disease) within us.

As Paramahansa Yogananda has stated,

“When modern science will discover how to go deep into the subtle electromagnetic constitution of man, it will be able to correct almost any medical condition in ways that would seem almost miraculous today. In the future, healing will be effected more and more by use of various types of light rays. Light is what we are made of—not gross physical light, but the finer spiritualized light of prana, intelligent life energy. That light is the real essence of everything. This earth is not “earth” as you see it; it is light. But you cannot perceive that until you know the underlying astral world.”

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via The Mind Unleashed



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