People Who Prefer to Be Alone Have These 21 Unique Personality Traits

June 9, 2023

by Understanding Compassion There are many different, beautiful and unique personality types among the wide assortment of people in the world. Each person has received a unique education, has this own unique values, beliefs habits and preferences. Some people thrive on being around others and being in the spotlight, while some find peace and happiness in in quietude. There are often misconceptions and stereotypes related to people who prefer to…


Brain-to-Brain Interfaces: The Science of Telepathy

June 3, 2023

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to walk a mile (or 1.6 kilometres) in somebody else’s shoes? Or have you ever tried to send a telepathic message to a partner in transit to “pick up milk on your way home”? Recent advances in brain-computer interfaces are turning the science fantasy of transmitting thoughts directly from one brain to another into reality. Studies have reported direct transmission of…


The Power of Crystals

May 25, 2023

I have always been fascinated with and almost in awe of crystals and gemstones. As a child I never got into collecting dolls or toys; I collected rocks! My rock collection was quite impressive; I had crystals and geodes from all over the world. Not your typical thing to collect but I guess I wasn’t your typical child either. For some reason I was drawn to these gemstones. I was…


The Powerful Spiritual and Mental Benefits of Forests

May 20, 2023

There are powerful benefits to spending time in forests. Various studies have shown that simply walking within a beautiful forest setting in a mindful state, or doing exercise in the woods, reduces stress and enhances the sense of well-being. However, forests fulfill a much bigger role than simply that of a buffer for modern-day stress; they also enhance our spirituality, by providing the backdrop against which we project the ‘basic…


The Most Powerful Exercise to Purify and Rejuvenate the Body and Mind

May 13, 2023

The way you breathe is the way you live. Breathing is absolutely essential to life, but it’s often overlooked as a necessity for good health. Full, free breathing is one of the most powerful keys to enhancing physical, emotional, and spiritual wellbeing. Breathing fully and freely is our birthright. If you watch a baby breathe, you will see the beauty and simplicity of flow in the body. With each inhale,…


Spirit Meets Science Through Yoga

April 24, 2023

Yogic saints and sages as diverse as Matsyendranatha, Svatmarama, Patanjali, Sri Aurobindo, Sri Ramakrishna, and the more contemporary Paramahansa Yogananda, as well as others have long pointed to the effects of yoga on consciousness and biology. Is it possible that science is finally catching up to the memory of what we, as a collective, have long known to be true? The science of yoga has been proven in countless peer-reviewed,…


Bioelectricity and Chi – Bees Can Sense the Energy Fields of Flowers to Communicate With Them

April 21, 2023

We still have so much to learn about the nature of our world and how living creatures communicate with each other. On very subtle, imperceptible levels, people, animals and even plants share information, giving us the ability to coexist. We don’t see it all or hear it all, but as technology catches up with our curiosity, we are evermore unraveling the mysteries of our inter-connectedness. Parapsychologist and author of Science…


Be True to Yourself: 4 Easy Steps for Balancing Energy Fields

April 12, 2023

When you think of energy balancing, the first things that may come to mind are tools like chakra stones, auric cleansing therapies, shielding jewelry, and regular meditation practices, so the relationship to being true to yourself and balancing energy fields may not be readily apparent. However, this is one of the easiest ways to quickly realign when you feel ‘off center.’ With long-term ‘practice’ of consciously being true to yourself,…


The Secret of Creativity According to Science

March 28, 2023

Whether you get mesmerised by Vincent van Gogh’s painting The Starry Night or Albert Einstein’s theories about spacetime, you’ll probably agree that both pieces of work are products of mindblowing creativity. Imagination is what propels us forward as a species – it expands our worlds and brings us new ideas, inventions and discoveries. But why do we seem to differ so dramatically in our ability to imagine? And can you…