Finding Beauty, Self-Awareness and Growth in Disappointment

May 13, 2016

All of us have experienced that terrible sinking feeling that accompanies disappointment. It’s all too easy to fixate on things that don’t go our way and resent life for not giving us what we want. But finding freedom from disappointment is as easy as changing your perspective on what disappointment is and the purpose it’s meant to serve in your life. Instead of seeing the disappointments you experience as tragic or…


12 Dozen Places to Educate Yourself Online For Free

May 12, 2016

All education is self-education. Period. It doesn’t matter if you’re sitting in a college classroom or a coffee shop. We don’t learn anything we don’t want to learn.Those people who take the time and initiative to pursue knowledge on their own are the only ones who earn a real education in this world.Take a look at any widely acclaimed scholar, entrepreneur or historical figure you can think of. Formal education…


Would YOU Want to Live Forever? Leading Expert Predicts That This Will be Possible by 2029

May 9, 2016

And his past predictions have been strangely accurate… Google’s chief futurist, Ray Kurzweil, is known for his wildly-accurate predictions — back in the 1980s, when all of our current technological advancements seemed like sci-fi fantasies, he predicted self-driving cars, prosthetic legs for paraplegics, and wirelessly accessing information via the internet, among many other spot-on forecasts. Now, his latest prediction is that humans are going to live forever, and he thinks…


Proof That The Human Body Is A Projection Of Consciousness

April 30, 2016

In this article we will explore how your body is a holographic projection of your consciousness, and how you directly influence that hologram and thus have complete control over the physical health of your body. We will also specifically explore the exact mechanism behind this principle, and don’t worry, I will provide scientific evidence so let your rational mind be at ease. But first … how is this even possible?…


Aliens, Atlantis & the Afterlife

April 28, 2016

This is an immensely interesting interview taken place in 1998. It’s between a girl named Sarah and Dr. Jamission Neruda, who had access to amazing detailed information about the history of earth, Atlantis, the seedings of the human race, and the grand plan for this planet. This information was extracted from The Ancient Arrow Site and from Sumerian documentation. Now, before you start reading, keep in mind there are infinite…


Why Are We Here?

April 27, 2016

Many people ask what the purpose of life is here on earth. It seems to be one of the eternal questions that is thought provoking and emotive, depending on your view of life, death, and why we come here. Firstly, we choose to come to earth to have experiences and feel life through our five senses. Being on earth in earth school is a chance to really connect with the…


Are Human Beings Alien to Planet Earth?

April 23, 2016

Why Are We so Different from the Other Species? Are humans Alien to This Planet? There are U.F.O sightings and E.T. encounters all over the world every day but despite this fact most of us are still on the fence in regards to whether or not aliens actually do exist. Alien crop circles incessantly appear in farmer’s fields all over the world, especially in England and this ‘could’ be an…


QUIZ: What Kind Of Energy Do You Have?

April 21, 2016

Can you recognize the energy that others are carrying around with them? Have you ever just walked into a room and immediately felt either uplifted or completely drained? We all have different levels and types of energy that can be absorbed by others. It is important to be aware of your energy. Take the following quiz and find out what kind of energy you have… Be Sure to LIKE Science…


What is the Purpose of YOUR Incarnation? Why Exactly Are YOU Here?

April 21, 2016

What if a simple change of perspective on how you create reality could uplift not just you, but everyone around you? What if that’s the only truly positive way to change the world… The divine Gift of Beingness. It seems to me so many are trying to figure out exactly why they are here, in this incarnation right now. And in a world of increasing turbulence, exactly what are you…