Life After Death: The Return to Earth

January 27, 2018

By Dolores Cannon  |  January 23, 2013 When a spirit or soul experiences life after death and studies lessons in Paradise on the astral planes, it also learns about the family it is considering being born to back on Earth. One woman I talked to about this thought the mere idea was eerie: “Do you mean my baby was watching me the whole time I was pregnant?” she asked in wide-eyed…


Harvard Neuroanatomist Had A Stroke & Figured Out The Mystery Of Life

November 27, 2017

What if your left brain suddenly shut off and only the right side of your brain were active and working? This is something that can happen when you have a stroke, and exactly what neuroscientist Jill Bolte Taylor experienced in 1996 — and she was conscious of it happening. Taylor’s story is not a new one. She gave a TED talk about the amazing journey she had the morning of her stroke…


At the Threshold: How Near-Death Experiences Transform People

November 23, 2017

My research has shown me that the near-death experience is not some kind of anomaly, but is, rather, part of the larger genre of transformations of consciousness. The clue most researchers miss is stress; specifically, the intensity which comes from that stress (known in shamanism as “high stress”). The entire pattern of aftereffects and the degree to which people change, can be traced to that factor. It’s the intensity that…


Who Were You In Your Past Life According To Your Memories? QUIZ

May 4, 2017

Many people all over the world believe that we have lived a past life and will continue to live many more. Reincarnation is the belief that after death a person’s spirit or soul begins a new life in a new body. The Universe is constantly in a cycle of death and rebirth, with people going on to have many lives, as well as past lives. That’s how it is basically understood, but…


Cremated Ashes are Turned into Beautiful Glass Creations by this Company

April 3, 2017

Have you ever thought about what you want to happen to your body when you pass away? For some, they know exactly what they want, whether it be burned to ash and spread over a place that they love, or buried in the ground, dressed to the nines with a nice casket. If you haven’t decided yet, you might want to consider a third option: having your ashes preserved in…


Why We Meet the Same Souls in Every Incarnation

March 24, 2017

According to karmic teachings, we always meet the same souls, only under different masks and different people. The soul goes through this cycle of physical incarnation because it has some kind of debt or obligation, it is not entirely free. Through interaction with others we are given the opportunity to free ourselves from the shackles of ‘bad’ karma. The karma is nothing but the result of the acts we did…


The Nine Veils that Shroud the Human Soul

March 12, 2017

  WHY NINE VEILS INSTEAD OF EIGHT Any dedicated seeker of truth eventually stumbles upon the incredible symmetry and structure of mathematics, which is especially true in fractal geometry involving the integers 1-9.  For a most basic example, just take a look at these nine equations: (1 x 8) + 1= 9 (12 x 8) + 2 = 98 (123 x 8) + 3 = 987 (1234 x 8) +…


“If you can read THIS sentence, I can prove God exists!”

January 17, 2017

“See this blog post I just wrote, that you’re reading right now? This blog article is proof of the existence of God. Yeah, I know, that sounds crazy. But I’m not asking you to believe anything just yet, until you see the evidence for yourself. All I ask is that you refrain from disbelieving while I show you my proof. It only takes a minute to convey, but it speaks…


How To Exit The Reincarnation System

November 21, 2016

We have all heard about the tunnel of light that our soul follows upon leaving the physical body, but what is the true meaning of the life review?  Why does a life review almost always involve having us continuously looping back into this 3rd dimensional reality, and what can we do to stop these cycles of reincarnation? Commonalities Within The Near Death Experience Just about every person who has a near death…