Which Spiritual Master Do You Think Like? QUIZ

October 25, 2017

Everyone has their own thoughts and beliefs about how the world should be. Spiritual leaders over the centuries have demonstrated many different teachings of spiritual law. Regardless of the spiritual path you have chosen, you may share thoughts and beliefs with a spiritual master or teacher from any spiritual background. Which spiritual master do you think most like? The results may just surprise you. Answer the following 10 questions and…


What is your Elemental Power? QUIZ

October 7, 2017

Take this quiz to find out your elemental superpower and which of the 8 elements you are most connected to… Fire, Water, Earth, Air, Lava, Life, Ice, and the Mind Be Sure to LIKE Science of the Soul on Facebook


Choose a Crystal and See What it Reveals about Your Current Situation

July 11, 2017

Look at the 6 crystals below, which are you drawn to? Don’t choose your favorite color, choose the one you are most attracted to at this moment. Below is the explanation of your choice – but don’t cheat, just pick the one you’re drawn to. No.1 Opalite You seek freedom, somewhere peaceful to calm your senses and hear your inner voice. Have you been feeling stressed and disconnected? Do you feel…


Which of the 5 Types of Intuition Do You Have?

June 29, 2017

  Intuition is defined as “the ability to understand something instinctively, without the need for conscious reasoning.” We all possess intuition as a necessary, innate survival skill. Everyone exhibits different levels and types of intuition. Though, some may be more in tune with their intuitive selves than others, intuition is something that can be developed over time with experience and mindfulness. Take the following quiz to find out which of…


Who Were You In Your Past Life According To Your Memories? QUIZ

May 4, 2017

Many people all over the world believe that we have lived a past life and will continue to live many more. Reincarnation is the belief that after death a person’s spirit or soul begins a new life in a new body. The Universe is constantly in a cycle of death and rebirth, with people going on to have many lives, as well as past lives. That’s how it is basically understood, but…


Are you a Crystal Genius? Take the Crystal Identification Quiz

April 25, 2017

Crystals have the power to calm the mind, heal the body, and connect with the soul. Being able to identify crystals is important in choosing what crystals are right for you and your specific needs. Take the following quiz to find out how much you know about crystals. For more information about crystals check out the following articles by clicking HERE.


QUIZ: What Level of Intuition Do You Have?

April 17, 2017

According to William Duggan we have 3 levels of intuition. The first being ordinary intuition, which is a base level of instincts (as found in animals). The second is expert intuition, which comes in the form of a trained response, and the third is received as a “flash of insight”. As the consciousness of human beings increase, from basic animal instinct to intelligence and intuition, we can then live in a more conscious…


This Image Test Will Reveal Your True Purpose In Life

April 8, 2017

Every picture tells a story—or several stories. When you perceive an image, you become one of its many story-tellers. The story may be about what plagues or beautifies society, the state of the world at large, one or several personal experiences, or even what you know about the art process itself. How you react to an image can tell you a lot about you, including your life’s purpose. Art speaks…


Here’s What Your Name Says About You According To Numerology

April 7, 2017

Love it, hate it, but you just cannot ignore it. No, I’m not talking about the Airtel 4G ads featuring the irritating 4G girl (although that too) but astrology.No matter how much you insist on not believing in it, the allure of astrology and numerology remains. TV slots dedicated to astrology shows are a direct testimony to people’s fascination with it. In a country that’s obsessed with starting anything new on…