The Power of Kundalini

April 7, 2018

The Kundalini is an energetic pathway in the body that runs from the base of your spine up along your spine, up the back of your head and out the top of your head. There are many energetic pathways in the body but there are two main energy pathways. One moves up the center of the front of the body and the Kundalini, which runs up the center of the…


7 Books that Will Jumpstart Your Cosmic Awakening

March 20, 2018

“A book should serve as the axe for the frozen sea within us.” ~Franz Kafka 1. The Doors of Perception by Aldous Huxley “If the doors of perception were cleansed everything would appear to man as it is, Infinite. For man has closed himself up, till he sees all things through the narrow chinks of his cavern.” ~William Blake Huxley’s journey into cleansed perception was inspired by the above Blake quote….


To All Who Can Hear

March 17, 2018

>We’re at an amazing time in human as well as cosmic history. What we do with it is up to each of us individually, as well as the inescapable collective of which we are all part. How we each respond individually affects the entire collective. This is our tremendous power. To do right or wrong, bring light or continued ignorance and darkness. This responsibility is too weighty for most. They…


Secrets Of The Mind – Your Thoughts Can Unleash Extraordinary Abilities

March 11, 2018

The power of our thoughts seems sometimes almost limitless. Our thoughts are still a mystery to scientists but new studies promise interesting results that people of all ages can find useful in their daily lives. We have previously seen how our thoughts possess the immense power to change our reality. Our cognitive and physical abilities are in general limited, but our conceptions of the nature and extent of those limits…


QUIZ: What is Your Animal Totem?

March 8, 2018

Your animal totem is believed to be your spirit guide by certain Native American tribes. In some tribes it is believed that different animal totems come in and out of our lives depending on the direction that we are headed and the tasks that need to be completed along our journey. Take the following quiz and find out what your animal totem is… Be Sure to LIKE Science of the…


Awakening and the Last Reincarnation

March 4, 2018

  There’s a worm addicted to eating grape leaves. Suddenly he wakes up, call it grace, whatever, something wakes him, and he’s no longer a worm. He’s the entire vineyard, and the orchard too, the fruit, the trunks, a growing wisdom and joy that doesn’t need to devour. ~ Rumi (“The Worm’s Waking”, The Essential Rumi) For the past few years we’ve been writing about Old Souls and Soul Ages…


QUIZ: What Is Your Spiritual Gift?

February 27, 2018

Regardless of who we are or where we’ve come from, we’ve all been endowed with spiritual gifts. These gifts make us who we are and come to the rescue when we’re in trouble! What’s your spiritual gift? Do you have the gift of wisdom? Maybe zeal? Let’s find out! Take the quiz below and find out what your spiritual gift is… Be Sure to LIKE Science of the Soul on…


Scientists Use EEG Machine to Create Digital Images From Brain Activity

February 24, 2018

Building on previous research that used FMRIs to digitalize what faces look like when imagined by the human mind, a team of researchers has done the same with EEG machines — a cheaper and more commonplace option. The Mind’s Eye Neuroscientists at the University of Toronto in Scarborough have established a new method of recreating images perceived by the human brain based on electroencephalography (EEG) readings. “When we see something,…


How to Ground Yourself in Any Situation

February 24, 2018

We have all been in situations that make us feel anxious, frazzled, confused and panic-stricken. And yet, some of us seem better than others at dealing with influxes of drama, pressure and demand than others. What is the secret to being cool, calm and collected? And if there is a secret, how can we find our peace amongst the chaos in everyday life? Learning how to ground yourself in any…