Carl Sagan’s Ambitious College Reading List

November 27, 2016

Carl Sagan continues to influence the minds of generations through his legacy. But what books influenced Sagan, igniting his passion for astronomy, cosmology, astrophysics, and astrobiology? Thanks to the Library of Congress’ Carl Sagan Archive, we have accessed approximately forty titles from the no doubt voluminous collection of reading material he had digested throughout his education. You can see the original handwritten version below: (Scroll down for the typed copy)   Sagan…


Tesla vs. Einstein: The Ether & the Birth of the New Physics

November 24, 2016

Nikola Tesla (1856-1943) was an electrical inventor, well known as a competitor of arch rival Tom Edison. Where Edison’s inventions include the light bulb, the microphone in the telephone and the phonograph, Tesla’s inventions include fluorescent lighting, the AC hydroelectric power system and wireless communication. Tesla is therefore mostly billed as an inventor. The fact is, Tesla was also a physicist who studied in college such courses as analytic geometry,…


How To Exit The Reincarnation System

November 21, 2016

We have all heard about the tunnel of light that our soul follows upon leaving the physical body, but what is the true meaning of the life review?  Why does a life review almost always involve having us continuously looping back into this 3rd dimensional reality, and what can we do to stop these cycles of reincarnation? Commonalities Within The Near Death Experience Just about every person who has a near death…


Here’s Everything You Wanted to Know About the Cosmos

November 11, 2016

Long ago, humanity conquered the globe. Spreading from sea to sea, humans have traveled to the deepest recesses of the planet and harnessed the power of Earth’s natural forces. We have dominated the Earth and, in so doing, we forever altered the course of life on our world. If that’s not enough, we have visited other worlds, traveled to the most distant edges of our solar system, and glimpsed the reverberations of the very…


Harvard May Have Pinpointed the Source of Human Consciousness

November 11, 2016

In Brief A study of 36 patients with brainstem lesions revealed that the majority of those in comas had damage in a specific area of the brainstem, while most conscious patients did not. The identification of the areas of the brain responsible for consciousness could lead to new treatment options for patients in comas or vegetative states. Human Consciousness Human consciousness has been defined as awareness, sentience, a person’s ability to…


The Dark Side of Spirituality

November 5, 2016

I think it’s safe to say that spirituality is indeed a good thing. The problem is that some people can enter the spiritual world with a pre conceived misconception that it is going to be an all-round positive experience. Here we explore some of the darker aspects of spirituality. Spirituality is not one thing and can be expressed in multiple ways. Some will find enlightenment through their work, others through religion,…


Harnessing the Healing Power of the Heart Field

November 2, 2016

Every cause of disease first begins with an imbalance in the body’s energy systems, specifically, the interaction between how the heart communicates with the brain and the body. Fix that and there is no disease, ever. The heart can produce an electrical field 100 times greater than the brain and a magnetic field 5000 times greater. Which one are you using to heal? Emotions are vibrations which influence consistently our…


Man Missing Most of His Brain Challenges Early Theories of Consciousness

November 1, 2016

Consciousness is something that eludes any sort of solid understanding by mankind. Yes, we’re conscious, but we have no idea why or how consciousness even exists. Basic theories surrounding consciousness suggest that it’s linked to the brain in some way. And many of those theories are now being called into question after a man missing most of his brain was found to be fully conscious. This 44-year-old Frenchman was discovered…


Matching Our Heartbeat to the Beat of the Universe

October 29, 2016

  The goal of life is to make our heartbeat match the beat of the universe, to match our nature with Nature. ~ Joseph Campbell   As children, we may have experienced being in harmony with Nature, our innate creative rhythm, and with the heartbeat of those around us. In this state, we are joyful, playful, creative, and an inspiration to others. We are free and happy because we know…