Hidden in Plain Sight

March 24, 2016

Today I wish to return to your awareness an aspect of the Human condition that very few will ever consider. It is a state of awareness that escapes even the most astute observer because it’s hidden in plain sight, or perhaps it’s the “plain sight” that’s hidden. So for the purpose of clarity and proper orientation, please allow me to present this “aspect” in the more malleable form of a…


An Astronaut’s Search for Peace thru Understanding Consciousness

March 23, 2016

Consciousness completes the equation of energy and matter expanding science to the quantum level. Edgar Mitchell, the 6th man to walk on the moon discovered in his trip to space in 1971 that science cannot explain our reality and that energy and matter alone do not explain the nature of our existence. “Consciousness is the third component to the equation of energy and matter that together combine to explain non…


Sound, Matter, and the Woven Universe…

March 19, 2016

The ancient Sanskrit text, The Rig Veda, describes our ancient progenitors as weaving the universe with their cosmic sacrifice, YAJÑA. The universe is interwoven in the vaults of heaven on shuttle-wheels [cakrus-tasarâny-otave], backwards and forwards. By rays of the gods, by the threads extended, drawn out, spreading on every side, the acts of a hundred ‘gods’ — the world is woven. Although the Sanskrit term YAJÑA is usually taken to…


Scientists Identify Cosmic Energy Accelerator at the Galactic Center

March 19, 2016

Cosmic rays and high energy particles are continuously bombarding the earth, electrically charging our atmosphere, reacting with the electromagnetic fields surrounding the earth. Scientists have been looking for the primary source of this accelerated energy for decades, and the new age community has ascribed evolutionary significance to these energies, pointing to 2012 as a key moment when we can have full and direct access to this energy. To scientists and…


Quantum Phase~Time, Parallel Realities, and the Brain

March 16, 2016

The ‘Many Worlds’ Theory The eminent physicist and co-founder of string theory, Michio Kaku, has actually said: “[I]f you have a radio in your living room… and you have all frequencies in your living room; BBC, Radio Moscow, ABC, but your radio is tuned to one frequency — you’re decohered from all the other frequencies. You’re only coherent [wave phase and amplitude in alignment; either exactly or in whole number…


Universal Love~The Healing Power of Non-Duality

March 16, 2016

Where are you now? Are you confined in a physical body? Are you limited by the range of your physical senses? Does the feeling of the weight of your body define you? Does the flickering of the mind give you shape? Are you found in the computer screen as your eyes pass over these words? Or in the feelings or reactions in your blood, nervous system and thoughts to these…


The Physics Behind the Akashic Records

March 15, 2016

What is our memory and can science help us explain how it works? What does it have to do with esoteric term “akashic records” and is there a way to get rid of negative subconsciously controlling stress? According to Oxford online dictionary, our memory is the faculty by which the mind stores and remembers information or simply something that is remembered from the past (including our thinking patterns and experiences)….


11 Untouchable Truths About Consciousness and Being Human

March 11, 2016

No matter how divided the world may seem, and no matter how many differences people can put between themselves and others, the untouchable truth of being human is that we have more in common with each other and with the other inhabitants of this planet than we have differences. Bound to a shared fate, we all play a role in making up the collective body of conscious life on this living planet. The material…


The Science Of Enlightenment

March 7, 2016

Enlightenment or “Unity Consciousness” is a term used to describe an exceptional state of being that arises from the acceleration of our biological potential via the conscious application of psycho-spiritual techniques which have, up until relatively recently, been disregarded by mainstream scientific establishments and maligned by organized religion. Meditation, periodic fasting, affirmations, sound therapy and the occasional consumption of ethneogenic plants are few among many ways to purge your psyche…