Is Life After Death Possible?

January 16, 2021

Everything in the universe recycles, so why not consciousness? The subject of consciousness is one that is simply avoided by most medical doctors and scientists. Deepak Chopra combines his knowledge of biology, physics, and spirituality to explain such phenomena. He looks at death as ‘creativity’, and points out that every creative process has a death involved. This is certainly a very positive outlook to have on a subject that most…


Free Enneagram Test: What Personality Type Are You?

January 5, 2021

Free Enneagram Test: What Personality Type Are You? by Aletheia Luna The Enneagram is a fascinating model of the human psyche. Everyone should take the test at least once in their lifetime! Used in therapy, business, and self-development circles, the Enneagram is a powerful tool that can increase your self-awareness, empower you with self-understanding, and increase your self-love. The Enneagram is also a highly psycho-spiritual model (meaning that it caters…


What Happens in the Pineal Gland When We Use Cannabis?

January 5, 2021

The pineal gland – mythical seat of spirituality and consciousness, the site of the primordial “third eye” – has been of fascination to humanity since its function and importance were discovered. It is well-known that the pineal gland responds to psychoactive drugs, so what happens when we use cannabis? What is the pineal gland for? While undoubtedly important, the pineal gland does not possess mystical or supernatural properties, no matter…


Theoretical Physicist Discusses the Science of Lucid Dreaming

December 26, 2020

Dr. Michio Kaku is a theoretical physicist and author of many books, including The Future of the Mind. In the following video he discusses the science behind consciousness and lucid dreaming. He describes how our pre-frontal cortex disengages as we dream, thus suppressing the fact-checking component of our consciousness. Be Sure to LIKE Science of the Soul on Facebook


Neuroscientists Discover A Song That Reduces Anxiety By 65 Percent. Hear It Yourself!

December 25, 2020

Anxiety can be one of the most crippling emotions a person ever experiences. It clouds judgment and inspires irrationality, fear and panic. Have you ever had a panic attack? It basically feels like you’re dying. And while anxiety has been prevalent in mankind for thousands of years, it’s become more prominent in the population than ever before, particularly among our younger generations. Now, neuroscientists believe they’ve discovered a song that…


5 World Views that Need to Be Scrapped for us to Evolve

December 17, 2020

By Gilbert Ross The idea of a world view has two inherent meanings. First it is a personal view of how the world is or should be, and secondly it is a view that is shared or consented to by others not just ourselves. So a world view is both how we personally see the world but at the same time it is something that is based on consensual reality…


Your Cat Can See Things That Are Invisible to You

December 6, 2020

Cats are considered by many as symbols of mysticism because of their elegant and flexible body, as well as their gaze that can “magnetize” anyone… Indeed, as recent scientific data shows, there is another reason why cats have a title of ‘mysterious’ creatures. It’s all because cats see things we cannot see with our eyes! Cats, like some other animals, have the ability to see psychedelic stripes on flowers or…


DNA Testing Reveals that the Aborigines of Australia have the Most Ancient Culture in the World

December 4, 2020

A study on genetics published in the journal ‘Nature’ has proved that the Aborigines descended from people who migrated to Australia around 58,000 years ago. Titled ‘A Genomic History of Aboriginal Australia’, this is the first time that such a genetic study has been conducted. The results are ground breaking as they show that these ancestors make up the world’s oldest known culture. Conducted at Cambridge University under the supervision…


Is Science Catching Up to What the Ancients Knew About Crystals?

November 28, 2020

Despite the plethora of anecdotal evidence that exists on the healing powers of stones and crystals, the debate continues to rage in the scientific community over whether crystals actually have any real healing power. For example, a basic internet search reveals many articles claiming crystal healing to be pseudoscience. In fact, one recent study argues that crystals have absolutely no healing power and that the placebo effect accounts for people’s…