• Why Sacred Geometry Matters So Much
  • The Eyes are the Window to the Soul: An Intro to Iridology
  • This Is Your Brain on Meditation
  • 5 Types of Synchronistic Connections: Everyone We Meet, We Meet for a Reason
  • Mind, Self, Spirit and Soul: What’s the Difference?

The Physics Behind the Akashic Records

What is our memory and can science help us explain how it works? What does it have to do with esoteric term “akashic records” and is there a way to get rid of negative subconsciously controlling stress? According to Oxford online dictionary, our memory is the faculty by which the mind stores and remembers information or simply something that is remembered from the past (including our thinking patterns and experiences)….


11 Untouchable Truths About Consciousness and Being Human

No matter how divided the world may seem, and no matter how many differences people can put between themselves and others, the untouchable truth of being human is that we have more in common with each other and with the other inhabitants of this planet than we have differences. Bound to a shared fate, we all play a role in making up the collective body of conscious life on this living planet. The material…


You Can Now Upload Knowledge Directly into your Brain

In the classic science fiction movie The Matrix, which was released in 1999, martial arts was uploaded into Keanu Reeves’ (Neo) brain through a cable connected from a computer to Neo’s skull. He received the skills of the art instantly, and was able to use it to perfection. This happened in a science fiction movie. But what you are about to hear is that this isn’t science fiction any longer? The reality is,…


The Science Of Enlightenment

Enlightenment or “Unity Consciousness” is a term used to describe an exceptional state of being that arises from the acceleration of our biological potential via the conscious application of psycho-spiritual techniques which have, up until relatively recently, been disregarded by mainstream scientific establishments and maligned by organized religion. Meditation, periodic fasting, affirmations, sound therapy and the occasional consumption of ethneogenic plants are few among many ways to purge your psyche…


Quantum Consciousness and the Afterlife

The greatest question of all time may very well be, ‘what happens to us when we die?’ While many, individuals, religions and spiritual traditions have come to their own conclusions about the ever-lasting nature of the soul, it takes a great deal of faith to be certain about the after life. To the scientific mind, this won’t do, and the question looks a little more like, ‘what happens to human…


Jim Carrey Reveals How Important His Spirituality Was to Overcoming Depression

Can Spirituality Help To Overcome Depression? This Famous Actor Jim Carrey Says Yes. “I’m a Buddhist, I’m a Muslim, I’m a Christian, I’m whatever you want me to be …” So says Jim Carrey when he talks about how spirituality has helped him move off of prozac and into a state of peace. Jim Carrey, full name James Eugene Carrey, was born on Jan 17′ 1962 at Ontario, Canada to…


Could This be Humanity’s LAST century?

According to Seth Shostak, the director of the Search for extraterrestrial intelligence (Seti), this century will see the end of humanity as we know it as a new species of aliens rise to power. Shostak says the end of mankind will happen as a result of designer babies and artificial intelligence (Ai) merging. ‘We can eventually produce offspring that are as different from us as dogs are from grey wolves,’ Shostak said…