• Why Sacred Geometry Matters So Much
  • The Eyes are the Window to the Soul: An Intro to Iridology
  • This Is Your Brain on Meditation
  • 5 Types of Synchronistic Connections: Everyone We Meet, We Meet for a Reason
  • The Secret Meaning Behind Leonardo Da Vinci’s Vitruvian Man

21 Traits of an Awakening Soul

You can say its because of a global shift in consciousness, a destiny we have arrived at due to spiritual evolution, or the outcome of strange times, but, many people all across the globe are going through intense personal changes and sensing an expansion of consciousness. Personal changes of this magnitude can be difficult to recognize and to understand, but here are 21 traits of an awakening soul, a ‘sensitive’, or an…


Are You Energy Sensitive? Here Are 6 Telling Signs

As you’ve probably noticed before, there is a range in our sensory abilities. Some people can see very well, others not very well at all. Some have excellent hearing, while others are deaf. The same applies to energy sensitivity, or as they call it, your “sixth sense.” Are you energy sensitive? When you break down reality, everything is made up of one thing, and that is vibrational energy. Some people…


5 Ways Yoga Can Change Your Life

YOGA STRENGTHENS YOUR BODY AND MIND. Our bodies were not designed to spend hours at a time hunched over at our desks. Movement and stretching are both essential needs for our bodies, just as much as they need food and water. Practicing yoga 2 or 3 times a week will help your posture and develop a strong core and a stronger core means that you’re more likely to sit and…


The Power of Kundalini

The Kundalini is an energetic pathway in the body that runs from the base of your spine up along your spine, up the back of your head and out the top of your head. There are many energetic pathways in the body but there are two main energy pathways. One moves up the center of the front of the body and the Kundalini, which runs up the center of the…


17 of the Best Spiritual Teachers to Learn From

For those who are interested in subjects like consciousness, spiritual living and even the Law of Attraction, there is much to be gained from learning from a multitude of spiritual teachers.   Fortunately, the world has many, and some of the best spiritual teachers are alive right now to inspire us and provide us with guidance!  I believe each new teacher I’ve encountered has brought his or her own unique perspective and…


10 Ways for Introverts to Get Their Energy Back

Introverts are people who think deeply, keep to themselves, and feel drained by social situations. Often found in their homes, libraries, quiet parks that not many people know about, introverts like to think and be alone. Yes, introversion is pretty much about enjoying being alone but that doesn’t mean introverts don’t have any connection with other people. Introversion — and extroversion — occur on a spectrum. Which means that no one is completely an introvert or completely an extrovert. So…


7 Books that Will Jumpstart Your Cosmic Awakening

“A book should serve as the axe for the frozen sea within us.” ~Franz Kafka 1. The Doors of Perception by Aldous Huxley “If the doors of perception were cleansed everything would appear to man as it is, Infinite. For man has closed himself up, till he sees all things through the narrow chinks of his cavern.” ~William Blake Huxley’s journey into cleansed perception was inspired by the above Blake quote….


To All Who Can Hear

>We’re at an amazing time in human as well as cosmic history. What we do with it is up to each of us individually, as well as the inescapable collective of which we are all part. How we each respond individually affects the entire collective. This is our tremendous power. To do right or wrong, bring light or continued ignorance and darkness. This responsibility is too weighty for most. They…


Secrets Of The Mind – Your Thoughts Can Unleash Extraordinary Abilities

The power of our thoughts seems sometimes almost limitless. Our thoughts are still a mystery to scientists but new studies promise interesting results that people of all ages can find useful in their daily lives. We have previously seen how our thoughts possess the immense power to change our reality. Our cognitive and physical abilities are in general limited, but our conceptions of the nature and extent of those limits…