• Why Sacred Geometry Matters So Much
  • The Eyes are the Window to the Soul: An Intro to Iridology
  • This Is Your Brain on Meditation
  • 5 Types of Synchronistic Connections: Everyone We Meet, We Meet for a Reason
  • The Secret Meaning Behind Leonardo Da Vinci’s Vitruvian Man

Parallel Worlds Exist and Interact With Each Other

The idea of parallel worlds is one of the more favorite topics of science fiction writers, but also a popular subject of interest for many researchers. If you watched the Fringe series, you will remember that there were two simultaneously existing versions of the same world with slight differences between them. It seems that something like this could be possible, according to a new quantum theory. A group of Australian…


The Human Body Emits, Communicates With, and is Made from Light

Science increasingly agrees with the poetry of direct human experience:  we are more than the atoms and molecules that make up our bodies, but beings of light as well. Biophotons are emitted by the human body, can be released through mental intention, and may modulate fundamental processes within cell-to-cell communication and DNA. Nothing is more amazing than the highly improbable fact that we exist. We often ignore this fact, oblivious to…


Dream Telepathy and Quantum Connections Between People

Dream telepathy suggests that human beings have the ability to communicate telepathically with another person while they are dreaming. This isn’t a new concept, scientific interest in telepathy dates back to the fathers of the psychoanalytic movement. Freud, for example, considered telepathy and the implications of it with regards to psychoanalytic thought. He also considered dream telepathy, or the telepathic influence of thought on dreaming on multiple occasions. Carl Jung…


Twelve Flowers You Didn’t Know Heal The Body

Flowers are not only beautiful, but they can be used as essential ingredients in a food and medicine. Many edible flowers are rich in phenolics and have excellent antioxidant capacity. They can be added to your food or in teas to prevent chronic disease. Flower Remedies are very simple, since they are almost tasteless, they can be taken along with any food, in the drinking water, or directly in the…


Our Immeasurable Power as Energy Workers

Each and everyone of us has a powerful effect in our own way. Everything is of consciousness. These are difficult and confusing times for evolving people. We see what’s going on and feel in our hearts the misalignment of humanity in so many ways. There’s a natural tendency to want to fix the problems and bring mankind into a higher harmony. Indeed there are many thousands of people who’ve been…


Dreaming the Future? Precognitive Dreams, a Psychic Phenomena

Precognitive dreams are dreams that foretell the future, or can predict upcoming events. Thousands of people have reported having premonitions right before a terrible tragedy or a huge disaster in their world. Throughout history, many individuals have claimed to be able to have foreseen upcoming events and their dreams have proven to have come true to the letter. #1 Abraham Lincoln’s dream about his assassination Two weeks before his death,…


Dragonflies Carry Significant Meaning: Do You See Them Often?

The dragonfly totem carries the wisdom of transformation and adaptability in life. As spirit animal, the dragonfly is connected to the symbolism of change and light. When the dragonfly shows up in your life, it may remind you to bring a bit more lightness and joy into your life. Those who have this animal as totem may be inclined to delve deep into their emotions and shine their true colors. via Spirit…


3 Deadly Emotions: The Mind Body Connection that is Toxic for your Health

We’ve all heard the famous phrase: “You are what you eat,” which is a valid statement, but I wish to go a step further and say that “You are what you think.” Every single thought that you think invokes an emotion, thus leading to a physiological response in your body. Neuropeptides act as a communication link between our thoughts and what we experience in the cells of our bodies. They…


Subconscious Reprogramming and the Law of Attraction

If you have been trying to apply the Law of Attraction to change something in your life, but not getting the results that you want, your subconscious programming has probably been getting in the way. Your mind is made up of two parts – your conscious mind which is basically everything that you are aware of (what we think of as the reasoning, thinking mind), and your subconscious which is…