How to Decalcify Your Pineal Gland or Third Eye

The pineal gland is one of the most mysterious organs in the body.

As a tiny pea-sized mass in the center of the brain, the pineal gland produces the hormone melatonin which helps to regulate our sleep cycles and reproductive hormones. But before science found its practical function, the pineal gland had much more mystical roots.

For thousands of years the pineal gland within our brains has been known as “the third eye,” also referred to as the ajna chakra. The third eye chakra, according to Hindu tradition, is responsible for conscience, spiritual consciousness, intuition and insight. In her book “Awaken Your Third Eye,” Doctor Susan G. Shumsky writes that the pineal gland has been referred to in many different ways  in Ayurvedic and Chinese medicine, as well as in Druidic, Judaic, Islamic, Taoist, Mayan, Tibetan, Egyptian, Greek and Aboriginal cultures.

Common names that describe the pineal gland in ancient and modern times include “eye of Horus,” “all-seeing eye,” “mind’s eye,” “divine eye,” “sixth/ajna/brow chakra,” “third eye,” and “eye of God.”

French mathematician, writer and philosopher, Rene Descartes (1596-1650), wrote in his book “Treatise of Man”:

My view is that this gland [the pineal gland] is the principal seat of the soul, and the place in which all thoughts are formed.

Since then, psychiatrist, researcher and author of the book “DMT: The Spirit Molecule” Rick Strassman has theorized that the pineal gland actually produces DMT. DMT, or Dimethyltryptamine (nicknamed the “Spirit Molecule”), is a natural hallucinogen that produces extraordinary visions and mystical states of consciousness.

Despite the importance and significance of the pineal gland, our modern lifestyles mistreat it. In particular, the fluoride present in our drinking water has been proven to calcify (or harden) this vital area of the brain — thus reducing its function.

Symptoms of Pineal Glad Calcification

When the function of your third eye, or pineal gland is suppressed, a number of symptoms may arise including:

  • reduced IQ
  • insomnia
  • hormonal imbalances
  • fatigue
  • depression
  • bipolar disorder
  • alzheimer’s
  • spiritual lethargy and disconnection

How to Decalcify Your Pineal Gland

For a while I’ve been reading articles here and there about how to decalcify your pineal gland. I never took them very seriously until I got an MRI of my brain. As a person who is currently experiencing unexplained premature hearing loss, doctors advised me to get a MRI scan. While the scan showed no neurological defects (thankfully!) linked to my hearing loss, they did show that parts of my brain have been calcified. While the pineal gland was never specifically mentioned in the report, it does concern me:

There are many causes of brain calcification. Most of us who know about the pineal gland have heard that the fluoride in our drinking water is dangerous. But there are also many other culprits of brain calcification. These include:

  • Pesticides and herbicides. All sorts of chemicals can be found in the vegetables and meat that you buy from the supermarket.
  • Calcium. Excessive calcium (such as from drinking milk) can cause the substance to build up in your system.
  • Mercury. This type of metal can be found in primarily in seafood such as fish, prawns, tuna and shrimp.
  • Halides. This is a class of minerals that encompasses chlorine, bromide and of course, fluoride. Halides can often be found in toothpaste, dental products and tap water.
  • Other toxins such as sugar, artificial sweeteners, air refreshers, deodorants, etc. and anything that isn’t found in nature.

Since my discovery, I’ve been researching different ways to reduce the calcification in my brain. I’ve made many changes to my lifestyle as a result.

If you want to take care of your pineal gland, you may like to go on a “detox.” The pineal gland detox is quite simple and beneficial. Here is how it’s done:

1. Filter your water

Try to avoid drinking tap water. God, when you learn what’s potentially in your tap water you’ll probably feel like screaming. Ancient pipes, poor purification practices and “cleansing” processes can result in the presence of chlorine, arsenic, pesticides, herbicides, hormones, fluoride, parasites and even heavy metals like lead and mercury.

My recommendation? Invest in a good quality water filter. Try to avoid distilled water and reverse osmosis filtration systems simply because they strip water of necessary minerals and are costly. Instead, opt for an activated alumina (bone char) filter or ion exchange resin deionizer. However, don’t take my word for it: do your own research. Your water will taste ten times better!

2. Lower your S.C.A.T intake

No… not that kind of scat! 😉 S.C.A.T stands for Sugar, Caffeine, Alcohol and Tobacco. All of these substances drain the body of energy and thereby allow toxins to build up in the system. Reduce your intake as much as possible.

3. Eat the following superfoods

Start including more spirulina, chlorella, wheatgrass, kale, broccoli and raw cacao in your diet. I like to disguise mine in smoothies.

4. Only eat organic animal products

If your body allows you to be vegan/vegetarian, all the better for you, animals and the planet. On the other hand, try adopting a semi-vegetarian diet (also called “flexitarianism”). Eat animal products half of the week, and a vegetarian/vegan diet the other half. Try to avoid any type of fish or seafood product as they may contain traces of mercury. See how you go. Also, always ensure that the animal products you eat are organic, free-range and hormone free. One trick you may like to use is always checking the packet for the words “hormone free.” If they aren’t present, be skeptical.

5. Include garlic, citric acid and apple cider vinegar in your diet

Garlic, ACV and citric acid all help to cleanse excess toxins from your body, including the build up of calcium. You may also like to drink half a lime or lemon in warm water every morning.

6. Make a beetroot, orange or grapefruit smoothie

Some fruits and vegetables are terrific for thoroughly cleaning you out. If you have a blender, move away from your usual smoothie recipes and try incorporating beetroot, or acidic fruits such as grapefruit and orange. You’ll also benefit from adding high antioxidant foods such as berries.

7. Replace your dental products

Go and check the ingredients of your toothpaste and/or mouthwash. Can you find any nasty ingredients there such as fluoride, PEG-60, sodium benzoate, propyl/methylparaben, etc.? If so, you need to find better alternatives. I use herbal toothpastes instead of traditional ones, and coconut oil instead of mouthwash. Coconut oil (known as “oil pulling”) is much more gentle on your teeth, much better for your body, and has natural antimicrobial properties. I recommend organic and unrefined coconut oil.

8. Buy organic 

Wherever possible, try to replace normal pesticide covered fruits and vegetables with organic alternatives. Yes, this might mean that you pay more. And yes, this might mean that you have less options. But pesticides and herbicides are linked to pineal gland calcification — not to mention a host of other grizzly health issues. Try replacing one item per week with an organic alternative. On the other hand, if you’re extremely tight for money, make sure that you wash all of the fruit and veggies that you buy. This isn’t ideal, but at least it’ll do something. You can use a natural brew of bicarb soda and vinegar to do this.

9. Supplement with iodine

Iodine is a mineral that is present in sea vegetables such as seaweed (kelp). In the West, our diets lack iodine which is essential in assisting the thyroid gland regulate hormones. Iodine has been theorized to help flush out fluoride from the body, thus protecting the pineal gland. But here’s the thing: consuming lots of iodized salt won’t do much for you! Instead try consuming sea vegetables like wakame, kelp and algae. These can often be found as supplements at your local health food store or online.

10. Bentonite clay

Bentonite clay is composed of the ash from volcanoes and has been used by man and beast alike for detoxification purposes. As a magnetically-charged clay, bentonite “binds” to toxins within our bodies when ingested. These toxins — including heavy metals, chemicals and impurities — are then expelled through feces.

I use bentonite both as a face mask, and as an internal purifier. If you’re interested in experimenting with bentonite, make sure that you purchase food grade quality, (such as here). Also, because bentonite is electrically-charged, always use a plastic or wooden spoon when handling it. If the clay touches metal, it will lose its effectiveness.

You may like to begin with one teaspoon of bentonite clay mixed in water twice a week. Always pay attention to your body and what it needed. Too much clay ingestion can cause constipation.

Conclusion …  

The pineal gland plays a vital role in our physical — and I would go so far as to say our spiritual — well-being. Learning how to decalcify your pineal gland could revolutionize the relationship you have with your body and with life.

If you have any recommendations to make about the best water filters you’ve used, or any other useful tips, please share them below. Your comment may benefit hundreds, even thousands of people!

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About Aletheia Luna

Aletheia Luna is an influential spiritual writer whose work has changed the lives of thousands of people worldwide. After escaping the religious sect she was raised in, Luna experienced a profound existential crisis that led to her spiritual awakening. As a mystic and spiritual mentor, Luna’s mission is to help others become conscious of their entrapment and find joy, empowerment, and liberation in any circumstance. [Read More] Donate to support Luna’s work

Source: LonerWolf

Featured Image Source: Wikipedia Commons




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