Journeys to the ‘Other Side’

July 27, 2018

Ancient religions including the shamanic traditions are replete with myths regarding the dying and death process. It was believed within these traditions that when a person died their soul was escorted into the afterlife by a special being called a psychopomp. In Greek psycho means soul and pomp means guide, so a psychopomp is a guide of the soul. In our modern world, the psychopomp tradition has changed to not…


1,000 Year Old Illustrated Herbal Remedy Guide Is Now Available (For Free) Online

July 24, 2018

  If you aspire to better understand nature and the medicines which are readily available to us all, take advantage of a 1,000-year-old, illustrated herbal remedy guide which is available online for free. The beautifully-illustrated book belongs in the British Library’s Collection, but has been digitized for online viewing. Because the Cotton MS Vitellius C III is from the 11th century, it is packed full of information. The illustrated book…


Miraculous Coincidences: The Origins and Meaning of Synchronicity

July 23, 2018

Synchronicity reveals the meaningful connection between the subjective and objective world.  ~ Carl Jung Manifesting itself in names, numbers, words, objects, symbols and events, synchronicity is essentially the occurrence of a meaningful (or even miraculous) coincidence in your life.  This experience seems far too significant to be a mere day-to-day serendipitous encounter. Most of us have experienced various synchronicities in our lives before, and if you have ever been curious to…


How We Create Our Own Spiritual Growth

July 22, 2018

During our spiritual Journey we accumulate a vast amount of knowledge of the world. From the books read, lectures heard and conversations we try to pick the useful and interesting bits of information, ideas, thoughts and theories. We attempt to make an image of reality from the accumulated spiritual knowledge and experience, trying to create the mosaic image of Truth. Our mosaic image of “Truth” is realized as a spiritual scenario in…


QUIZ- Which Chakra Is Out Of Balance?

July 16, 2018

When all of your Chakras are balanced you will feel happy, energized, powerful, free, loved, secure, and fulfilled! Your body will function better physically, mentally and emotionally. Take the Pure Chakra test to find out which Chakra of yours is out of balance, and learn what you can do to balance it!


How Toxins Harm Your Body’s Energy Fields

July 13, 2018

by Pao The human body is an amazing biological quantum “machine” that has incredible potential. When we look at the human body from the outside, we see a beautiful biological form made of flesh. However, beneath the flesh there are many different layers of tissues. What many of us don’t understand about the human body is that it is also made of energy fields and energy structures, including but not…


3 Stages in the Evolution of the Human Spirit: Ego, Alertness, Consciousness

July 9, 2018

The development of the human spirit has three stages. This development begins with separated ego, “me” and ends in the free space of Consciousness. 1st Stage: EGO –The Unconscious Patterns of the Mind The Ego is the central figure of our personal history, based upon the past and looking into the future. The components of the Ego are thoughts, emotions, memories (with which the person identifies as “my story”), fixed…


Brain Scans Reveal that Artists’ Brains are “Structurally Different”

July 8, 2018

As a drawing artist myself, I’m well aware of how drawing artists see the world differently than most people. Many drawing artists are great at paying attention to details and they often like to study organic and inorganic objects, so that they can draw better. Artists also have a great imagination, which is one of the most important tools for being a great artist. Most of us know that artists…