Cosmic Consciousness and the Eternal Dance of Spirit

May 26, 2018

When we look around at the world, we see a vast array of seemingly different religions and spiritual traditions. The ego in mankind impels him to seek to negate the worldviews of others and to hold his outlook alone as correct. Of course, even a casual look should lead one to doubt the validity of such an egocentric worldview. The truth of the matter is that the knowledge of ultimate…


Four Aspects of Self Realization

May 24, 2018

What is the goal of the path of Self Discovery? Self Realization. The realization of our true nature, who and what we truly are, in reality. And just what is that? Well uh um ah…….I don’t know. Which is why we have to explore this for ourselves personally if we are so inclined to do so. Whatever is said about our true nature or written about it or thought about…


Scientists Just Stored an Album From 1998 in DNA

May 19, 2018

A, T, G, and C are the 0s and 1s of living things. Unlike the code stored in silicon, data stored in DNA won’t degrade for thousands of years. And DNA can just hold a lot more data— one gram of DNA can store one billion terabytes of data (approximately a kajillion iPods). Now scientists at ETH Zurich have figured out how to store one of humanity’s great works in the inalterable…


Reincarnation, the ‘Interlife’, Universal Consciousness & the Holographic Soul

May 16, 2018

Modern studies repeatedly suggest that a significant proportion of people in the Western world now believe in reincarnation. Although this phenomenon can be traced back to various esoteric movements that flourished from the second half of the 19th century, it gained significant ground with the explosion of popular interest in Eastern spiritual approaches in the 60s. And it was reinforced by a proliferation of therapists offering to regress people into…


Neuroscientist Says He Has Proven Quantum Telepathic Link Between People

May 13, 2018

A renowned Pseudo skeptic has taken a remarkable turnaround in his belief regarding the afterlife and what is understood as the so called ‘paranormal.’ Dr. Michael Persinger, the famous Neuroscientist at Ontario University who is a self proclaimed Atheist – hailed by skeptics for his “God helmet” experiments as being evidence against NDE’s being evidence for an afterlife, has turned the tables on his skeptic admirers by announcing that he…


Where is Your Soul on the Path of Spiritual Evolution?

May 13, 2018

There are three transformational processes within the evolution of the Consciousness. These are, in fact, three levels of development. At these different levels of development the state and functions of the Consciousness show entirely different signs. If we are aware of these characteristic signs, we may easily recognize what state of development of the Consciousness we are in: ordinary Consciousness, awakening or the level of complete freedom. The Level of…


Laugh Your Way to Higher Consciousness

May 11, 2018

A laugh fest Recently I was at a spiritual retreat. One afternoon, the women were scheduled to have a tea, to share memories of some wise women many of them had known. What were we guys to do? The schedule just said, “Men’s Joke Session.” At the appointed time, several of us sat down in the dining area and timidly began to tell jokes. We were like bellows blowing into…


The Role Of Young Souls In An Old Soul’s Life

May 10, 2018

As the sun rises and sets, and the moon waxes and wanes, as the tides of the sea rise and fall, and life on earth brightens and fades, there is one perpetual, unchanging element of our age.  And it sounds something like this … I’m more important than you.  I have a bigger house and car and property portfolio than anyone else I know.  I’m professionally certified, I have a…