The Heart Has Its Own “Brain” and Consciousness

December 11, 2022

Many believe that conscious awareness originates in the brain alone. Recent scientific research suggests that consciousness actually emerges from the brain and body acting together. A growing body of evidence suggests that the heart plays a particularly significant role in this process. Far more than a simple pump, as was once believed, the heart is now recognized by scientists as a highly complex system with its own functional “brain.” Research…


‘Killer Germs’ Obliterated by Medicinal Smoke (Smudging), Study Reveals

December 6, 2022

The ritualistic use of plant smoke stretches back to the prehistorical era and is still used, the world over, as a way of ‘cleansing’ the spirit. Now modern scientific research reveals that the practice may actually have life-saving implications by purifying the air of harmful bacteria.  The burning of herbs and plant resins for medicinal and spiritual purposes – so-called ‘smudging’ – is an ancient practice among indigenous people around…


Why This Scientist Believes in God…[VIDEO]

December 4, 2022

Gerald Schroeder is a scientist with over thirty years of experience in research and teaching. He earned his Bachelor’s, Master’s, and Doctorate degrees all at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, with his doctorate thesis being under the supervision of physics professor Robley D. Evans. In the following video, Schroeder explains how quantum physics and the basic laws of the universe have persuaded him to believe that there must be an…


The Faeries: From Folklore to Metaphysical Reality

November 26, 2022

By Dr Neil Rushton This article was published in New Dawn Special Issue Vol 12 No 5 (Oct 2018) What are the faeries? Where do they come from and where do they go when they’re not interacting with their human observers? Faeries have been an important part of the folkloric repertoire for hundreds (perhaps even thousands) of years, and while they are portrayed in the popular imagination through faerie-tales and…


Binaural Beats: Sound Technology for Consciousness

October 25, 2022

Imagine having a technology that can allow you to meditate like a zen Buddhist monk. Think for a moment how many benefits you could receive from being able to enter a deep thought-free state within minutes by merely pushing a button. Visualize for a second what you could program into your mind through the use of an almost instant alpha, theta or delta brain-wave state. Instant deep states of meditation…


This is What Sound Looks Like: Cymatics and Sacred Geometry

October 25, 2022

 “If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.” ~ Nikola Tesla Cymatics is the study of visible sound via vibration of particles or liquid on a membrane. The following experiment demonstrates the observable patterns created when the membrane is vibrated at different frequencies. For more information about Cymatics and Sacred Geometry watch the following clip… Be Sure to Follow Science…


How to Use The Chi Energy of Trees to Heal Yourself?

October 20, 2022

Taoist masters observe that trees are very powerful. Not only can they absorb carbon dioxide and transform it into oxygen, but they can also absorb negative forces and turn them into positive. The trees are deeply rooted in the Earth, and their roots are deeper higher and they rise to the skies. The trees then absorb Earth’s energy and the Universal Force of the Sky. Trees and all other plants…


Synchronicity Happens For A Reason- There Are No Accidents And No Coincidences

October 19, 2022

Have you stumbled upon an old friend? Seeing someone doing the same thing or speaking the same words as you? Or maybe experienced an accident? Are you thinking ‘Oh! What a coincidence!’ or ‘I could skip accidents like this…’ Well, you shouldn’t, because every single coincidence brings a message to you. In fact, there are no coincidences and accidents — there’s only synchronicity, and everything happens for a reason. Revealing Synchronicity — The…


Sound Alchemy: How The Egyptians Used Sound For Healing

September 30, 2022

Sound is numerology in time as every sound can be seen also in a numerical form and penetrates us through time slices. Numerology (as we know) is infinite- meaning sound detectable or undetectable to the human senses does not end.   The Egyptians understood the power of sound for healing- so much so that the first book of “The 42 Books Of Thoth” was called the “Chanter” and is dedicated…