There is No Such Thing as “Junk” DNA

July 16, 2022

by Michael Forrester The fascinating and recent discovery of a new, second DNA code further lends credence to what metaphysical scientists have been saying for millennia — the body speaks two different languages. Since the genetic code was deciphered in the 1960s, researchers have assumed that it was used exclusively to write information about proteins. But biologists have suspected for years that some kind of epigenetic inheritance also occurs at the cellular…


How Bioenergy (Chi) is Measured in the Body

July 15, 2022

By The School of Chi Energy ( How Bioenergy is measured in the body is done by means of a photomultiplier tube instrument that monitors a person’s bioenergy at the biophoton level. Sifu Cicero, an Instructor for the School of Chi Energy, who practices a nerve fiber building energy exercise that builds up her body’s nerve fiber system to release high levels of biophotons, did undergo this type of measurement.  She…


Royal Rife’s Energy Machine

July 14, 2022

by Gregg Prescott, M.S., In5D Please note: Any information presented in this article is for educational research ONLY. This particular article and author is not making any recommendations and is not giving any personal medical advice in the following material. Dr. Royal Raymond Rife could very well be the father of all holistic cancer research. Rife, born in 1888, was one of the founding pioneers in many of the technologies that…


The Physics Behind the Akashic Records

July 13, 2022

What is our memory and can science help us explain how it works? What does it have to do with esoteric term “akashic records” and is there a way to get rid of negative subconsciously controlling stress? According to Oxford online dictionary, our memory is the faculty by which the mind stores and remembers information or simply something that is remembered from the past (including our thinking patterns and experiences)….


Research Suggests Consciousness Survives After Death

June 29, 2022

The greatest question of all time may very well be, ‘what happens to us when we die?’ While many, individuals, religions and spiritual traditions have come to their own conclusions about the ever-lasting nature of the soul, it takes a great deal of faith to be certain about the after life. To the scientific mind, this won’t do, and the question looks a little more like, ‘what happens to human consciousness after…


Nikola Tesla: Maverick, Visionary, & Master of Light

June 20, 2022

It’s almost a cliché. Working alone, an inventive genius pioneers new devices that ultimately change the world but his genius is barely recognised and he goes on to die in relative poverty; and whilst he dies, virtually alone and unrecognised, his inventions eventually transform life across the planet. Unfortunately it’s pretty much the story of Nikola Tesla, the scientific visionary whose inventions shaped much of the 20th century, whilst the…


Psychological Study Reveals: Open Minded People Live in a Completely Different Reality

June 19, 2022

A recent study examined the difference in outlook between open minded and close minded people. The study stated that the quality of ‘openness’ has a lot of deciding power on what kind of reality an individual lives in. Most open minded people live in a completely different reality than other people! Openness is not a set quality. It includes keeping an open mind, trying new things, meeting new people –…


Where the Magic Happens

June 4, 2022

By Dylan Charles I live in two worlds. At least two. When I look out my window I see mountains, trees, nice cars, a safe neighborhood, prosperity and order. When I look outward through the media I see fear, deceit, delusion, destabilization, chaos, war, and all of the other 31 flavors of madness. In both worlds it takes a bit of willful ignorance to avoid acknowledging the facade. The facade…


Meditation Builds Brain Cells, Harvard Study Shows Proof

May 28, 2022

Research has now demonstrated that meditation builds brain cells and increases gray matter in the brain. Using magnetic imaging (MRI), Harvard researchers found that meditation produced physiological changes in the brain’s gray matter. Some areas in the brains of the study participants thickened after only eight weeks of mindfulness practice. The research was published in 2011 and represented the first time that physical changes to the brain caused by mediation…