The Future of Consciousness

January 22, 2016

Dr. Stuart Hameroff is an anesthesiologist and Professor at University of Arizona. Dr. Hameroff is well-known for his groundbreaking revelations in the study of consciousness and quantum biology. His work in anesthesiology has led him to believe that overall brain function is derived from quantum level microtubule vibrations in a process he calls orchestrated objective reduction (Orch-OR). Featured Image Source:


Search for the Mind of God

January 21, 2016

Stephen Hawking famously ended his 1988 bestseller A Brief History of Time with the statement that, if and when physics finds its long-sought grand unified field theory “we would know the mind of God.”1 Although since then he has reportedly regretted the phrase, and famously announced in 2010 that “God did not create the universe,” his original statement was – knowingly or not – in fact simply a repetition of…


All That You Can Imagine Is Real

January 18, 2016

In 1928, sociologists W. I. Thomas and D. S. Thomas put forth what has become known as the Thomas theorem; “If men define situations as real, they are real in their consequences.” “Art is the lie that enables us to realize the truth.” – Pablo Picasso In a paper published by Cognitive Brain Research, musicians that played the piano were studied using fMRI in order to watch what happened in the brain while…


Kindling the Divine Spark: The Secret to Awakening

January 14, 2016

Blessed is he who has a soul, blessed is he who has none, but woe and grief to him who has it in embryo.1 – G.I. Gurdjieff The United States Declaration of Independence proudly proclaims the mystical truth that “all men are created equal.” What happens after that, though, is anybody’s guess. Once we’ve been created equally, does that mean all our lives are the same? Do the essential differences…


The Amazing Story of the Clairvoyants Who Observed Atoms

January 13, 2016

In few, if any, science textbooks or records of Nobel laureates will you find the name of a bona fide and publicly acknowledged occultist or clairvoyant. This, however, is not because such individuals never contributed anything to the history of science. On the contrary, it is due to a profound hubris and acute myopia within the institution of Science that talented metaphysical pioneers have not been credited with scientific discoveries…


Consciousness, Resonance & the Paranormal: Synchronized Swimming in the Quantum Sea

January 4, 2016

As a kid, watching the synchronized swimming competition of the summer Olympic games, I was always struck by how silly the sport seemed. Not to mention how it looked! Later, as a wise adult, I came to understand and appreciate both the degree of difficulty of getting human bodies to move in perfect unison, and the beauty that results when they do. Humans often operate in sync with others. I…


The Uncharted Territory of Remote Healing

January 4, 2016

  There was a time in the US when chiropractors were looked at with suspicion, homeopaths and herbalists were considered quacks, and naturopaths, acupuncturists, ayurvedic medicine practitioners, rolfers… these were unheard of. Well, things change. Alternative medicine is the preferred choice of millions of people now, and for very good reason. Who doesn’t know that the human body is energy, with energy vortexes and channels? Your mainstream medical doctor, that’s…


Psychic Protection: Immunize Yourself Against Negative Energy

December 30, 2015

Have you ever entered an empty room, or office, and felt “uncomfortable”? Feeling perhaps quite happy to get out of that room, or office, as soon as possible? Maybe you have found somewhere that feels “bad” at one time yet feels “okay” at another time? This could be where we work, live, or somewhere we are visiting or passing through. What about people? Do you know anyone who seems to…


Symbols & Psyche: Exploring Gateways to Realms of Knowledge, Power & Understanding

December 30, 2015

The Muggle world is filled with symbols. From Coke cans to McDonald’s arches, IBM computers to Apple Macintoshes, from flags to emblems and medals, to the endless variety of product packaging, modern culture is brimming with images. Open the Yellow Pages of your phone book – with the emblematic pair of walking fingers – and you will find a myriad of professional logo designers and artists, many of whom have…