Minds Beyond Brains: New Experimental Evidence

December 30, 2015

Where are our minds located? We have been brought up to believe that they are inside our heads, that mental activity is nothing but brain activity. Instead, I suggest that our minds extend far beyond our brains; they stretch out through fields that link us to our environment and to each other. Mental fields are rooted in brains, just as magnetic fields around magnets are rooted in the magnets themselves,…


The Musical Universe

December 17, 2015

What is it about music that moves us in so many different ways? The rhythm begins and we slide onto the dancefloor, gyrating to the beats; a guitar strikes a chord and we throw ourselves into the crowd, surfing across a sea of hands; a favourite song comes on the radio and we sing along at the top of our voices, oblivious to the looks of bemusement coming from other…


Tampering With the Akashic Records

December 16, 2015

“Often I am still listening when the song is over.” -Marquis de Saint-Lambert The Akashic Records, also known as the Book of Life, is a composition of the skein of space and time which records every single thought, word, deed, or creation throughout the hyper-verse of our eternal evolution. It is the authentic, natural, organic record of all that is, was, and ever shall be. It cannot be tampered with…


Beyond the Five Senses: The Powers Latent in Humankind

December 12, 2015

The traditional five senses – sight, hearing, smell, taste, and touch – are these the only ways to perceive the world, to gain information, to experience reality? In fact there are more than five senses, taking different forms, in various types of organisms, including humans. For instance, humans can also sense balance and acceleration, temperature, and pain due to nerve damage. There are other types of physiological receptors as well,…


10 Questions About the Pineal Gland That Add to its Mystery

December 10, 2015

The  pine cone shaped, pea-sized pineal gland, located in the center of the human brain, is an organ of tremendous interest these days. To many spiritual seekers it is the ‘seat of the soul‘ and the ‘third eye,’ the anatomical part of the human body that acts as our spiritual antennae, connecting us to the non-physical, spiritual planes of existence. However, to many scientists and rigid materialist thinkers, it is…


Is the Brain Only a Receiver of Consciousness?

December 9, 2015

“I regard consciousness as fundamental. I regard matter as derivative from consciousness. We cannot get behind consciousness. Everything that we talk about, everything that we regard as existing, postulates consciousness.” – Max Planck, theoretical physicist who originated quantum theory, which won him the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1918. It’s great to see that in today’s day and age, multiple prominent scientists from all over the world have started to…


The Higher Mind~Nonlocal Intuition and Divine Synchronicities

December 4, 2015

Here I want to introduce you to the part of human consciousness I call the Higher Mind. Some call it the Higher Self or Soul Self. Your Higher Mind is an energetic aspect of you that projects out of your physical body like an antenna, and connects with the unified field of energy. The unified field of energy is what scientists are hoping to explain one day by a Unified…


NASA Researchers Disclose the Truth About Time Travel & Dimensional Portals

November 29, 2015

Physics needs some new running shoes, or at least an updated framework in which to understand itself so that it won’t be running in circles trying to get to Saturn or a distant star in a galaxy far, far away. That’s the sentiment among those in elevated levels of government as well as individuals who understand higher consciousness. Why? There are places all over the Universe we can travel to…


Soul Mate Connections – How to Know When You’ve Found a Soul Mate

November 25, 2015

  You meet someone, fall in love, get married, and maybe even have children together. When you made this commitment, you likely thought your partner was your lifetime soul mate; however, if you part, you might be questioning your judgment. Were they your soul mate, will you ever find another one, and how will you know when you make soul mate connections in the future? For starters, sure – your…