AI Maps Psychedelic Trips in the Brain

August 1, 2023

by Sam Friedman and Galen Ballentine For the past several decades, psychedelics have been widely stigmatized as dangerous illegal drugs. But a recent surge of academic research into their use to treat psychiatric conditions is spurring a recent shift in public opinion. Psychedelics are psychotropic drugs: substances that affect your mental state. Other types of psychotropics include antidepressants and anti-anxiety medications. Psychedelics and other types of hallucinogens, however, are unique…


These 6 Frequencies Were Used By Ancient Cultures To Heal And Connect To The Divine

August 1, 2023

Can sound affect you on more than an emotional level? Sure it can. Sound has a whole level of usefulness that we’re only beginning to discover; from successfully helping us transcend the blood-brain barrier in the medical field, to the noise of certain street lamps putting us on edge, there’s a lot more going on than we really notice. There are entire ranges of perception we can’t pick up on…


How Frequency And Vibration Create The Structures Of Matter And Life

July 28, 2023

If we want to understand how the material world is created and what keeps it in a perpetual motion, we need to study the language of the living energy codes of matter, which is made of light, sound, and vibration. Most of us know that the material world is made of matter but we do not understand the mechanics behind it. Conventional science taught us that the material world came…


Lucid Dreaming may Unravel the Mystery of Consciousness

July 21, 2023

Lucid Dreaming may Unravel the Mystery of Consciousness Written by Dan Denis and Giulia Poerio, The Conversation We spend around six years of our lives dreaming – that’s 2,190 days or 52,560 hours. Although we can be aware of the perceptions and emotions we experience in our dreams, we are not conscious in the same way as when we’re awake. This explains why we can’t recognise that we’re in a…


Brain-to-Brain Interfaces: The Science of Telepathy

June 3, 2023

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to walk a mile (or 1.6 kilometres) in somebody else’s shoes? Or have you ever tried to send a telepathic message to a partner in transit to “pick up milk on your way home”? Recent advances in brain-computer interfaces are turning the science fantasy of transmitting thoughts directly from one brain to another into reality. Studies have reported direct transmission of…


Spirit Meets Science Through Yoga

April 24, 2023

Yogic saints and sages as diverse as Matsyendranatha, Svatmarama, Patanjali, Sri Aurobindo, Sri Ramakrishna, and the more contemporary Paramahansa Yogananda, as well as others have long pointed to the effects of yoga on consciousness and biology. Is it possible that science is finally catching up to the memory of what we, as a collective, have long known to be true? The science of yoga has been proven in countless peer-reviewed,…


Bioelectricity and Chi – Bees Can Sense the Energy Fields of Flowers to Communicate With Them

April 21, 2023

We still have so much to learn about the nature of our world and how living creatures communicate with each other. On very subtle, imperceptible levels, people, animals and even plants share information, giving us the ability to coexist. We don’t see it all or hear it all, but as technology catches up with our curiosity, we are evermore unraveling the mysteries of our inter-connectedness. Parapsychologist and author of Science…


The Secret of Creativity According to Science

March 28, 2023

Whether you get mesmerised by Vincent van Gogh’s painting The Starry Night or Albert Einstein’s theories about spacetime, you’ll probably agree that both pieces of work are products of mindblowing creativity. Imagination is what propels us forward as a species – it expands our worlds and brings us new ideas, inventions and discoveries. But why do we seem to differ so dramatically in our ability to imagine? And can you…


The Number One Thing Psychiatry Can Learn from Shamanism

March 23, 2023

By Dylan Charles, Waking Times Something important is missing from the psychiatric model of ‘mental illness.’ It’s not a secret or anything, but rather more of an omission. It should be there, but by no accident it’s absent. You see, human beings are multi-dimensional. We are made up of mind, body and spirit. All three are utterly essential components of life, and until the transhumanists figure out how to disembody…