Scientists have Created an Experiment to See if the Human Mind is Bound to the Physical World

May 24, 2017

Spooky Action Perhaps one of the most intriguing and interesting phenomena in quantum physics is what Einstein referred to as a “spooky action at a distance” — also known as quantum entanglement. This quantum effect is behind what makes quantum computers work, as quantum bits (qubits) generally rely on entanglement to process data and information. It’s also the working theory behind the possibility of quantum teleportation. The long and short of…


Ending Aging: Scientists Say Telomeres May Be the Key to Unlocking Near-Immortality

May 14, 2017

Telomere Trouble If humans can’t yet achieve immortality, the next best thing would be finding a way to slow down or even reverse the process of aging. While there’s an entire industry devoted to so-called “anti-aging,” the biological truth is that our fate is written in our DNA. Specifically, the end bits which are called telomeres. These “caps” don’t hold the codes for proteins like genes do, so when the telomere…


5 Theories That Will Completely Change How You See the World

May 5, 2017

“Reality is what you think it is.” Have you ever thought about how much of reality is actually as you perceive it? As humans, we will only ever be able to see the world from a human perspective. And because of this, certain details of our reality will seem incredibly real, all the while being totally false. Here are five theories posed by scientists and philosophers that shake the foundation…


Teenage Physicist Says CERN Destroyed Our Universe…

May 2, 2017

We are living inside a Universe that’s so complex that if we can grasp what’s happening for a moment, we’ll fall down on our knees and cry in surrender to its marvelous beauty! Science just barely starts to scratch the surface to the nature of reality and still, its discoveries are more shocking than we were able to imagine. It proves of quantum entanglement, unified field of consciousness, free energy,…


Scientists Might Have Just Uncovered the First Ever Evidence of the Multiverse

April 29, 2017

Too Cold For years, scientists have been baffled by a weird anomaly far away in space: a mysterious “Cold Spot” about 1.8 billion light-years across. It is cooler than its surroundings by around 0.00015 degrees Celsius (0.00027 degrees Fahrenheit), a fact astronomers discovered by measuring background radiation throughout the universe. Click to View Full Infographic Previously, astronomers believed that this space could be cooler simply because it had less matter in it than most sections…


Cremated Ashes are Turned into Beautiful Glass Creations by this Company

April 3, 2017

Have you ever thought about what you want to happen to your body when you pass away? For some, they know exactly what they want, whether it be burned to ash and spread over a place that they love, or buried in the ground, dressed to the nines with a nice casket. If you haven’t decided yet, you might want to consider a third option: having your ashes preserved in…


Elon Musk Just Launched a Company that can Merge Your Brain with a Computer

March 29, 2017

In case you missed it, Elon Musk is rather concerned about the fate of humanity, given the extreme advancements being made in artificial intelligence (AI). Ultimately, he fears that our AI will, one day, overtake us. When this happens, he claims that humans will likely become second class citizens (or slaves, or something even worse). Now, reports have surfaced which assert that he is backing a brain-computer interface venture that was…


Now That Scientists Can Read the Human Genome, They Want to Write One

March 18, 2017

Synthesizing A Human Genome In 1990, the Department of Energy (DOE) and the National Institutes of Health (NIH) partnered with international agencies to sequence all 3 billion base pairs in the human genome. The result of this joint venture became what we know as the Human Genome Project (HGP). Its goal was to identify powerful research tools that might lead to better understanding, diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of diseases. The entire…


The Quest for the Soul

March 15, 2017

The Quest for the Soul, for some greater purpose and design to our existence, is written into the fabric of our psyche. Hardwired not only into our psyche, but also in our very biology, is the drive to ‘spiritualize’ matter, to make it a more complete and self-aware expression of the Creator. Though our soul’s great weave spans many more worlds and dimensions than just the surface of planet Earth…