• Why Sacred Geometry Matters So Much
  • The Eyes are the Window to the Soul: An Intro to Iridology
  • This Is Your Brain on Meditation
  • 5 Types of Synchronistic Connections: Everyone We Meet, We Meet for a Reason
  • Mind, Self, Spirit and Soul: What’s the Difference?

5 Signs Your Crown Chakra is Awakening

In case you aren’t aware, the Crown chakra is one of many chakras within our bodies. It is said to be apart of the head that provides energy to the body and it is one of the most important chakras, as it strengthens the rest. The Crown chakra is most commonly linked with the color violet or white and its symbol is composed of a circle and a thousand petals….


Meet Josiah Zayner, The Biohacker Who Just Edited His Own DNA

 Former NASA employee, Josiah Zayner is a scientist who became the first known person to have edited his own DNA. In an effort to make himself superhuman, Zayner used the CRISPR tool to remove the protein Myostatin from an area in his forearm. Myostatin inhibits muscle growth, and so in theory, he should see an increase in muscle growth in this area. Zayner live-streamed the process on his blog  “Science,…


The Genesis Project Plans to Use Robots to Seed the Galaxy With Life

In the past decade, the rate at which extra-solar planets have been discovered and characterized has increased prodigiously. Because of this, the question of when we might explore these distant planets directly has repeatedly come up. In addition, the age-old question of what we might find once we get there – i.e. is humanity alone in the Universe or not? – has also come up with renewed vigor. These questions…


Karma, Cause and Effect in the Matrix

Karma is a term that has been used by many civilizations to explain or rationalize, in the of simplest terms, the notion of, “what you reap, so shall ye sow.” Closely related to this concept is the idea of Samsara, which has often been described as the entrapment and perpetual, entropic cycle of endless rebirth and death. Spiritual Evolution is the singular reason why any Soul incarnates as a Human,…


Was There a Civilization X? Evidence Indicates There Was…

Atlantis: everyone knows the name and almost everyone knows that the name refers to a mythical, sunken island continent in the Atlantic Ocean, according to a story told by the Greek philosopher Plato sometime during the 4th century BCE. Whether or not Atlantis existed has been a matter of conjecture for nearly four hundred years, ever since Francis Bacon published his novel The New Atlantis in 1626. Atlantis is a…


Taoist Yoga for Spiritual Cultivation and Personal Development

The spiritual development of all people is a lofty endeavor, yet quite necessary in these interesting times. Never before has the world had such complete access to tools for spiritual advancement, and in this sea of esoteric and practical knowledge, certain practices for spiritual cultivation stand out as especially effective and enjoyable. Taoist Grandmaster Hua-Ching Ni is a renowned healer, teacher and author, credited with dozens of books on Taoist philosophy…


Harvard Neuroanatomist Had A Stroke & Figured Out The Mystery Of Life

What if your left brain suddenly shut off and only the right side of your brain were active and working? This is something that can happen when you have a stroke, and exactly what neuroscientist Jill Bolte Taylor experienced in 1996 — and she was conscious of it happening. Taylor’s story is not a new one. She gave a TED talk about the amazing journey she had the morning of her stroke…


Neuroscience Student Demonstrates How Meditation Rids the Brain of Mental Illness

Juan Santoyo is studying neuro and contemplative sciences to help solve the problem of mental disorders in our country.  Every year, about 42.5 million American adults (or 18.2 percent of the total adult population in the United States) suffers from some mental illness, enduring conditions such as depression, bipolar disorder, or schizophrenia.   Santoyo’s family migrated to the United States from Colombia. He noticed that several homeless people suffered from ongoing psychological…


5 Common Ways of Transmuting Emotional Energies

Relationships are a gift whether you are on the giving end or the receiving end. Being able to share consciousness with another human being is a balancing act. There are 5 common ways of transmuting emotional energies that may cause conflicts within a relationship. What do you do if you are suddenly the recipient of unwarranted anger or negative emotions? Our innate programming usually leads us to defend ourselves which…