8 Signs Your Body Is Under Too Much Stress

Stress is a serious issue ladies and gentlemen. Prolonged stress can take a toll on your body and cause such extreme physiological responses as anxiety and depression. With that said, take note that there are different types of stress.
Physical stress is a physical reaction in the body to various triggers. Stresses can be external or internal.
Emotional stress is a thought response, sometimes with physical side effects in the body, also susceptible to various triggers.
Cognitive Stressors such as memory problems, decreased concentration abilities, poor decision making, negativity and/or unreasonable anxiety are all functions that can indicate that you’re overstressed.
Here are 8 warning you’re under too much stress:
1. Body aches and pains
Sometimes it’s hard to determine the difference between stress-related aches and workout soreness. According to Everyday Health, when we stress out our sympathetic nerve system activates the flight-or-fight response.
“Blood is then sent to major muscle groups that increase muscle tension and prepare you to fight or flee a situation. If you do not take any action, muscles can become sore or painful,” says Amy Przeworski, P.h.D. to Everyday Health.
2. Increased sweating
The reason we sweat when we’re stressed is actually pretty repulsive. Some scientists say that sweating is an evolutionary role in sending warning signals to people around us. Sweat from exercise and sweat from stress are produced differently. Sweat caused by stress is from apocrine glands and is triggered by adrenaline, that causes us to react quickly when facing a threatening situation.
3. You Feel Tired
Feeling exhausted after a busy day is one thing. But feeling tired all the damn time, and for no reason at all? Well, that’s something else entirely. This form of unexplained sleepiness may be a sign of adrenal fatigue, which occurs when your adrenal glands become overtaxed with cortisol, Dr. Stephen Wander tells. The constant stress can cause you to feel worn out, even when you really shouldn’t be that tired.
4. You’ve become indifferent sexually
When you’re stressed out and have a ton of issues on your mind, your sex drive is likely to decrease. You might be frustrated about it and wish you could do something about it, but when the opportunity arises, you’ll find yourself not being able to focus, or not being in the mood at all. Try to relieve stress by exercising often.
5. You can’t sleep
Ironically, despite being incredibly exhausted at all times, when you’re stressed out it becomes increasingly more difficult to actually fall sleep. Stress-related insomnia stems from not being able to stop thinking about all your obligations in life, combined with the fact that your body is still in “overdrive mode” regardless of what time it is. And, of course, since you can’t sleep, you’ll be even more exhausted the following day, which will only serve to increase your stress load.
6. Crying, Mood Swings and No Energy
Our modern lives are chock-full of stressful events. But when you reach your breaking point, it’s time to check in on your emotional well-being. “Emotional signs of stress can include difficulty concentrating, frequent tearfulness and mood swings, disorganization, difficulty making decisions and a general lack of energy,” says Sudeepta Varma, MD, a board certified psychiatrist and clinical assistant professor of psychiatry at the NYU Langone Medical Center. Keep in mind that these stress signs can also be related to other psychological problems, so it’s important to see your doctor and find out if your symptoms are, in fact, stress-related.
7. Itchy skin
A Japanese study of more than 2,000 people found that those with chronic itch (known as pruritis) were twice as likely to be stressed out as those without the condition. Although an annoying itch problem can certainly cause stress, experts say it’s likely that feeling anxious or tense also aggravates underlying conditions like dermatitis, eczema, and psoriasis. “The stress response activates nerve fibers, causing an itchy sensation,” explains Yosipovitch.
8. Chest Discomfort
Many people that experience anxiety often know all too well the discomfort and pain that can come with an attack. Chest pain symptoms can range in intensity from slightly uncomfortable to moderate to severe. It can also come in waves. Remember to breathe when/if this happens.
Originally published at truth-code.com



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