• Why Sacred Geometry Matters So Much
  • The Eyes are the Window to the Soul: An Intro to Iridology
  • This Is Your Brain on Meditation
  • 5 Types of Synchronistic Connections: Everyone We Meet, We Meet for a Reason
  • The Secret Meaning Behind Leonardo Da Vinci’s Vitruvian Man

Did the Egyptians Know How to Transfer Consciousness From One Entity to Another?

In the movie 21 Grams, the idea is presented that upon the moment of death, the human body instantaneously loses exactly 21 grams – supposedly the weight of the soul. Though this is not scientifically proven, there seems to be evidence that our consciousness is indeed a transferable entity – and the ancient Egyptians likely knew exactly how to transfer consciousness, or the soul, from one person to another.   There…


Scientists Say Consciousness Moves to Another Universe After Death

Dr. Robert Lanza was described by the New York Times as the third most important scientist alive. Lanza is an expert in regenerative medicine and the scientific director of Advanced Cell Technology Company. His recent interest in Physics, combined with his knowledge of Biology, has given birth to the new theory of biocentrism. The basis of the concept of biocentrism is that life and consciousness are fundamental to the universe….


How Mindfulness Changes Your Brain

Mindfulness-based teachings have shown benefits in everything from inflammatory disorders to central nervous system dysfunction and even cancer. Training groups in mindfulness has become a powerful tool in preventative intervention. Researchers at the University of Cincinnati (UC) are studying how cognitive therapy that uses mindfulness techniques serve as an alternative to pharmaceuticals. Mindfulness is “the intentional, accepting and non-judgemental focus of one’s attention on the emotions, thoughts and sensations occurring…


The Connection Between Out of Body Experiences & Near Death Experiences

Dr. Eben Alexander (ebenalexander.com), neurosurgeon and author of Proof of Heaven and Map of Heaven, had a near death experience during a coma in 2008. His experience has transformed his life and led him to believe that consciousness survives the body after death.  In the following video Dr. Alexander discusses the connection between near death experiences (NDE) and out of body experiences (OBE) with expert Graham Nicholls (grahamnicholls.com). Be Sure…


3 Children Whose Stories Support the Case for Reincarnation

Past-life recognition in children is being studied extensively by various scientists and psychiatrists around the world to prove the survival of consciousness beyond the physical realm. Reincarnation research was advanced by Dr. Ian Stevenson in the 1960’s, who interviewed thousands of people who had recollections of past lives. Dr. Stevenson discovered that recollection of past lives by children was much more common than many expected and he developed categories to help…


71% Of Americans Believe That “We Are NOT Alone” In The Universe

Do you think of “Life on Mars?” as not just a song by David Bowie but as a legitimate question? Is “I want to believe” not just another pop culture quote to you but a personal conviction? Then, as Statista’s Florian Zandt details below, you’re a part of the majority of people in the United States at least. In a survey conducted by scientists at the transnational Outer Space Institute (OSI) at the University of British…


12 Ways to Identify Past Life Friends, Lovers, & Enemies

Tempers flared, decibels rose. “You agreed to pay 25% when you moved in!” I insisted. “But you use more electricity during the day than I do!” my roommate shouted back, this sweet-looking, perfectly-put-together woman who never showed this side of herself in public. We’d been at this angry impasse for days. Finally, a thought came to me and I spat: “You know, if we don’t work this out now, we’ll…


5 Things Introverts Do Better Than Anyone Else

Do you have any introverted friends? Maybe you’re an introvert yourself. Me? I somehow fall in between introverted and extroverted. According to some, introverts make up about half of the population, even though much of society glamorizes a highly extroverted lifestyle. The extroverts are usually handling things on the front lines, while the introverts make sure things go smoothly from a comfortable place hidden away from everyone else. Introverts often…