• Why Sacred Geometry Matters So Much
  • The Eyes are the Window to the Soul: An Intro to Iridology
  • This Is Your Brain on Meditation
  • 5 Types of Synchronistic Connections: Everyone We Meet, We Meet for a Reason
  • Mind, Self, Spirit and Soul: What’s the Difference?

Basic Types of Meditation – Altering Consciousness for Universal Receptivity

We hear the phrases ‘zoning out’ or ‘chilling’ and pleas for someone to just ‘take me away from all this’ often not realizing that that’s exactly what meditation is and can do – without need from an outside party necessarily. In its inception, various types of meditation were centered around religious teachings, practices, and beliefs with the goal of altering everyday consciousness in effort become receptive to the goals of…


Ignite Inner Guidance through Shamanic Journeying

The modern-day shaman has evolved from one of the oldest known spiritual practices of humankind. Shamans go back at least 100,000 years. It is prevalent in Northeast Asiana and Arctic cultures, but spread around the world, and is perhaps most familiar to the average person today in the form of South American shamanism and the use of Ayahuasca which uses plant medicine to aid the shamanic journey. Utilizing a potent psychedelic…


What is Spiritual Oneness?

Oneness, wholeness, non-dual awareness, unity … If you’ve been on the spiritual path for a while you’ve probably heard of these words and concepts at some point. But what do these concepts actually mean? Although they may seem complex, a little vague or confusing, they don’t have to be. My goal for this article is to help you develop a clear and concise understanding of these topics so that you…


A Better Vision for Humanity

Humanity now has the resources, the means, and the collective will, for every human being on this planet to live in material security… no-one no longer need struggle to survive. That so many do struggle to survive, whilst so few live in material excess, is insane, and can no longer be accepted. Such a situation does not reflect our true humanity. From the richest to the poorest, there is no-one…


You Already Know Everything- You Just Forgot How to Remember

Dear Humans, Today I wish to remind you of something very fundamental to the human condition   —an important “truth” that has fallen below radar and has been all but forgotten.  This truth will resonate with some people, assuming of course, they’re willing to consider it for both its simplicity and unique complexity.  What is this truth?  It’s been right in front of you all this time- hidden in plain sight. …


5 Essential Truths about Etheric Energy

We seem caged in a physical world. Though we’ve made great discoveries in the quantum world, including proving the wave-particle duality as evidenced in the famous double-slit experiment, most of us still look at our bodies as if they were nothing more than flesh and blood, bone and sinew. We know for example, that just observing any “material” phenomenon, we change its place, time, and characteristics in space. This must mean…


How Exercise Can Improve Your Manifesting Skills

True prayer is neither a mere mental exercise nor a vocal performance. It is far deeper than that – it is spiritual transaction with the Creator of Heaven and Earth. – Charles Spurgeo Did you know that exercise can improve your manifesting skills? Recently I joined a gym. It’s been a loooooong time since I’ve been at a gym. I’m more of a yoga person (no big surprise there I…