• Nikola Tesla  Predicted the Rise of AI 100 Years Ago
  • Why Sacred Geometry Matters So Much
  • The Eyes are the Window to the Soul: An Intro to Iridology
  • This Is Your Brain on Meditation
  • Living in a Holographic Reality

Edgar Cayce: Ordinary Man, Extraordinary Messenger

The year 1910 marked a turning point in Western spirituality. It saw the deaths of some of the most luminous religious thinkers of the nineteenth century, including psychologist-seeker William James; popular medium Andrew Jackson Davis; and Christian Science founder Mary Baker Eddy. These three figures deeply impacted the movements in positive thinking, prayer healing, and psychical research. Their death that year was accompanied by the rise to prominence of a…


Scientific Proof That The Mind Can Heal The Body

Gregg Braden is a New York Times best-selling author who is trying to bridge the gap between science and spirituality. For more than 30 years, Braden has traveled around the world in search of ancient knowledge and timeless secrets hidden in forgotten texts. Braden has published 11 award-winning books including The Turning Point, Fractal Time, The God Code and The Divine Matrix. He has received honors for his work including…


This Woman Died of Stage 4 Cancer and Came Back From the Dead With a Shocking Message

Speculation on what happens to us when we die is so wild and varied, it’s impossible to know for sure. Oftentimes, much of what people believe happens after death is highly dependent on religious beliefs and spirituality. Do you think we’re born back into this world as a different creature? Maybe our souls travel the cosmos freely. Maybe we arrive at the pearly gates of heaven. Or maybe we burn…


You See What Others Can’t: 6 Signs You’re Extremely Energy Sensitive Person

Are you energy sensitive person? As you’ve probably noticed before, there is a range in our sensory abilities. Some people can see very well, others not very well at all. Some have excellent hearing, while others are deaf.   The same applies to energy sensitivity, or as they call it, your “sixth sense.” When you break down reality, everything is made up of one thing, and that is vibrational energy. Some people…


Everything is Energy, Nothing is Solid

This Universal Law states that everything in the Universe moves and vibrates – everything is vibrating at one speed or another. Nothing rests. Everything you see around you is vibrating at one frequency or another and so are you. However your frequency is different from other things in the universe – hence it seems like you are separated from what you see around you – people, animals, plants, trees and…


Our Connection to the Cosmos; The Pineal Gland

We are all equipped with an infinitely powerful cosmic antenna, which is called the ‘pineal gland‘. Other wise known as the ‘3rd eye’ to most of you. The shape of the gland resembles a pine cone, hence its name.  The pineal gland is actually the ‘seat of the soul‘ or the ‘spiritual gateway to all realms and all dimensions‘. It produces melatonin, which helps maintain circadian rhythm and regulate reproductive…


The Science of Raising Your Vibration

Anyone who travels within spiritual circles has probably heard about “vibrations.” The context is usually that someone with a higher vibration is somehow more spiritual or that the goal of the individual is to raise his or her vibration. But what does this really mean? Is it all just spiritual mumbo jumbo or is there actually a science behind vibrations? As you probably figured out from the title of this…


Understanding Duality- Everything on Earth has its Opposing Force

Duality is ever present within our day to day life, everything has its opposite and my understanding is that all issues we have can be overcome using its opposing force. Most think of duality as 2 ends of a spectrum and it ends there however to really get into a deeper understanding of duality- you have to view it as a trinity. The holy trinity is actually duality with its…


The Heart Has Its Own “Brain” and Consciousness

Many believe that conscious awareness originates in the brain alone. Recent scientific research suggests that consciousness actually emerges from the brain and body acting together. A growing body of evidence suggests that the heart plays a particularly significant role in this process. Far more than a simple pump, as was once believed, the heart is now recognized by scientists as a highly complex system with its own functional “brain.” Research…