• Why Sacred Geometry Matters So Much
  • The Eyes are the Window to the Soul: An Intro to Iridology
  • This Is Your Brain on Meditation
  • 5 Types of Synchronistic Connections: Everyone We Meet, We Meet for a Reason
  • The Secret Meaning Behind Leonardo Da Vinci’s Vitruvian Man

Meditating on the Purpose of Life

Purpose is a moment to moment experience. The word purpose is synonymous with motive, cause, reason, and intention. Our life’s purpose has everything to do with how we choose to live. Yet like life, our purpose is ever changing. When we seek to understand our purpose we seek to understand our reason for being alive. Maybe our life’s purpose is to be a father, a mother, the mailman, a teacher, an…


Learn How To Meditate In 8 Easy Steps

Learning how to meditate is the most important thing that we can do while we are alive. It is our greatest asset on the road to self-realization, inner peace, personal and spiritual mastery, and embodying our highest potential. As a great Indian Sage once said, “That is real which never changes.” By learning how to meditate, we learn how to access this never-changing, infinite, and eternal aspect to who we…


Heart Consciousness: The Next Frontier in Brain and Neuroscience

During organ transplantation there have been numerous reports of emotions, memories and experiences being transferred from the donor to the recipient. Dr. Pearsall, an American cardiologist, has collected the cases of 73 heart transplant patients and 67 other organ transplant recipients and published them in his book, “The Hearts Code” (1). Here is a sample of a case that has been reported: Claire Sylvia develops desire for chicken nuggets and…


Consciousness~The Beginning and the End

Nothing is more certain than the fact that we are conscious. And yet there is something very puzzling, even uncanny, about being conscious; and the learned talk of the mystery of consciousness. The mystery centres around the origin of consciousness; the prevailing scientific view is that consciousness is a property that emerges from complex brains. The problem is that we haven’t the foggiest idea of how the stuff of our minds could…


6 Top Supplements to Enhance and Bring Clarity to Your Dreams

Dreaming is part of being human. It is believed that dreams affect our daytime emotional state and general well-being, and can even provide insight into our physical and psychological health. Dreams can be viewed as messages from the subconscious mind. For some, dreaming is just a quick glance at what is hidden in the deepest corners of the psyche. For others, dreams and interpreting the symbols in dreams are steps…


The Bizzare Electromagnetic After Effects of Near-Death Experiences

The conversation about near-death experiences (NDE’s) is typically centered around questions about the afterlife and what happens to consciousness should you follow the iconic tunnel of light. Skeptics, of course, look at the various scientific angles, debating whether or not the patient was truly dead, or the research was legitimate, and so on. Less frequently discussed, however, is what happens to people after a near-death experience, and what changes occur in their…