• Why Sacred Geometry Matters So Much
  • The Eyes are the Window to the Soul: An Intro to Iridology
  • This Is Your Brain on Meditation
  • 5 Types of Synchronistic Connections: Everyone We Meet, We Meet for a Reason
  • Mind, Self, Spirit and Soul: What’s the Difference?

Researchers Have Mapped Out How Plants Sense Our World

While plants’ sensory processes are complex and mysterious, researchers recently took a major step towards elucidating them in a new study that mapped out the interactions of around 200 of the proteins involved. Plants may lack our facial features, but the fact that they don’t have eyes, ears, or noses has not stopped them from developing ways to see, hear, and smell potential threats around them. While plants’ sensory processes…


The Mind-Body-Spirit Connection – The Pathway to Self Healing

What are the causes of illness? Thoughts, attitudes, and beliefs trigger a range of emotions from happiness to sadness, joy to despair. Emotions affect the body, either positively (strengthening it) or adversely (weakening it). Emotional stress is a big factor in causing physical distress–such as headaches, neck, shoulder and back pain. Hawaiian shaman, Serge Kahili King, is the author of several books on self-healing. He discusses the effects of stress in his book, Instant…


The 4 Levels of Spiritual Growth

When we, spiritual seekers, look around in the world, we find an infinite multitude of human forms and shapes. If we attempt to perceive this human space as ”the School of Consciousness,” the purpose of which is to direct us back to our original nature, we may try to categorize the multitude of people (this is, naturally, not necessary, the image that we present here is false, it should be…


Edgar Cayce: The Earth Is Catching Up With Time

Edgar Cayce, known as the ‘Sleeping Prophet’ once stated, ‘The Earth is catching up with time’ but what does this mean?  Terence McKenna’s Timewave Zero theory is based on the premise that time is spiraling towards the singularity.  Ian Xel Lungold believed that creation is speeding up because there’s less time.  Are these three theories related? Cayce was born on a farm near Hopkinsville, Kentucky on March 18, 1877 where…


24 Powerful Keys to Transcend the Ego

The Ego is the central figure of our personal history, based upon the past and looking into the future. It is a dissatisfied, possessive small ego that often makes our life a misery. It is for certain that this small ego–or, more precisely, what we believe is our Self, our Ego–coiled up tightly in the back of our mind, is responsible for a tremendous amount of senseless and unnecessary suffering…


Why Spiritual Awakening Can Break Relationships…

We all have had difficulties at the beginning of our spiritual path, we all have felt misunderstood and sometimes feeling lost in our thoughts, at these state our relationship with people for some reasons gets complicated, let’s see why… When you are going through spiritual awaking you are going towards truth, to a higher level of awareness that others haven’t experience yet. When you try to go back and try…