8 Cutting Edge Minds Answer the Question – What Happens After We Die?

September 29, 2020

What happens after death, no one knows for sure. It is a question of theory and imagination mixed with ancient wisdom and intuitive guesses. Most of us can agree, however, that the human being is a soul which lives for a time in a physical body. The soul feels infinite, and records of near-death experiences clue us into the possibility that some greater journey begins the moment the body dies….


Quantum Consciousness Explained

September 28, 2020

Our souls are in fact constructed from the fabric of the universe, and may have even existed since the beginning of time. Our brains are just receivers that can be compared to a radio, for example. So is there really a part of your consciousness that is non-material and will live on after the death of your physical body? The theory of Quantum Consciousness attempts to answer this question. The…


Past Lives: 11 Signs Your Soul Has Reincarnated Many Times

September 7, 2020

by Aletheia Luna The soul is not born; it does not die; it was not produced from anyone…; Unborn, eternal, it is not slain, though the body is slain.  – Katha Upanishad I am certain that I have been here as I am now a thousand times before, and I hope to return a thousand times.  – Goethe We observe the principles of reincarnation everywhere in life:  the cycles of…


The Eternal Now

July 21, 2020

There is only really the Eternal Now and that Now exists in the beginning and also in the end of the standing wave that we call physical existence and evolution, which means that time is cyclical. The Now is the ‘alpha-omega’ of the cycle – as symbolized by the point where the symbolic Ouroboros snake is biting and swallowing its own tail. However, that Now is also the ‘zero nodes’…


Anesthesiologist says Quantum Biology Holds the Secret of Life~VIDEO

May 16, 2020

Dr. Stuart Hameroff has been researching consciousness for the past 35 years. As a clinical anesthesiologist, he has studied how anesthetic gas molecules selectively erase consciousness via delicate quantum effects on protein dynamics. He teamed up with British physicist Sir Roger Penrose to develop a controversial quantum theory of consciousness called orchestrated objective reduction (Orch OR) which connects brain processes to fundamental spacetime geometry. Recently Hameroff has explored the theoretical…


Have You Had an Out-of-Body Experience?

January 24, 2020

Have you ever felt as though your sense of awareness was outside of your physical body? That you were looking back at yourself from another place in the same room? If so, you’ve probably had an out-of-body experience (OBE). But not all OBEs are the same. Research suggests OBEs are more common than one might think, with around 10% of the population having reported at least one such experience in…


Is There a Connection Between Reincarnation and Birth Marks?

October 23, 2019

Millions of people around the world believe in reincarnation. The idea that we have lived before and will live again after we die is thousands of years old, but is there really a connection between birthmarks and past lives? Reincarnation is a religious or philosophical concept that the soul or spirit, after biological death, begins a new life in a new body that may be human, animal or spiritual depending…


This Kid Remembers His Past Life as His Grandfather

August 5, 2019

  Well, here is a strange story. Gus Taylor, at the age of one, while his father was changing his diaper told him – “Y’know, when I was your age I used to change your diaper!” And the response of the father was – “Whoa… This is… weird.” The thing here is that Gus remembers his past life as his own grandfather. It is a common thing for parents to…


What is the Meaning of Life? (In-Depth Exploration)

March 31, 2019

by Mateo Sol | Loner Wolf We are terrified by the question and at the same time, madly thrilled by it. What is the meaning of life? It’s an age-old, primordial question at the heart of all humanity. What’s the point of going through all this fuss? Why were we born? Why do we die? WHY does all this exist anyway? Wanting to know what the meaning of life is…