Life Is Illusory, The Present Moment Is All There Is And We Are All One

January 31, 2019

All is not as it seems on this giant ball of stardust, but if you understand the game that is being played you will be better equipped to jump over the obstacles on route. The Birth No matter which direction you look we all seem to be in agreement that there was a birthing stage to this level of life. Science calls it the big bang, the occultists the breathing…


This Woman Left Her Body During Surgery and Came Back With an Amazing Story

January 23, 2019

Cases such as that of Pam Reynolds’ near death experience call upon scientists and doctors to acknowledge the possibility of consciousness surviving the body after death. At the age of 35, in 1991, Pam Reynolds, an American singer/songwriter, was diagnosed as having a large aneurysm near her brain stem. Reynolds was told that she had no chance of survival. As a last resort, she underwent a rarely performed surgical procedure…


5 Essential Truths about Etheric Energy

October 16, 2018

We seem caged in a physical world. Though we’ve made great discoveries in the quantum world, including proving the wave-particle duality as evidenced in the famous double-slit experiment, most of us still look at our bodies as if they were nothing more than flesh and blood, bone and sinew. We know for example, that just observing any “material” phenomenon, we change its place, time, and characteristics in space. This must mean…


7 Things The Buddha Taught Us About Overcoming Suffering

October 13, 2018

There are very few certainties in life & there are no guarantees that the life we are living today will be the same for us tomorrow. But one thing that will remain consistent through your life is, you will continually have challenges & problems to overcome & while these challenges will differ from person to person, the solution for any problems can be broken down into 7 key areas for…


Journeys to the ‘Other Side’

July 27, 2018

Ancient religions including the shamanic traditions are replete with myths regarding the dying and death process. It was believed within these traditions that when a person died their soul was escorted into the afterlife by a special being called a psychopomp. In Greek psycho means soul and pomp means guide, so a psychopomp is a guide of the soul. In our modern world, the psychopomp tradition has changed to not…


Biocentrism and the Illusion of Death

July 12, 2018

Scientist Robert Lanza proposes that death as we know it is an illusion created by our consciousness, and an afterlife is inevitable. Lanza has based his claims on the theory of biocentrism, and goes on further to say that life creates the universe, not the other way around. Be Sure to LIKE Science of the Soul on Facebook


Reincarnation, the ‘Interlife’, Universal Consciousness & the Holographic Soul

May 16, 2018

Modern studies repeatedly suggest that a significant proportion of people in the Western world now believe in reincarnation. Although this phenomenon can be traced back to various esoteric movements that flourished from the second half of the 19th century, it gained significant ground with the explosion of popular interest in Eastern spiritual approaches in the 60s. And it was reinforced by a proliferation of therapists offering to regress people into…


Consciousness After Death

May 6, 2018

The greatest question of all time may very well be, ‘what happens to us when we die?’ While many, individuals, religions and spiritual traditions have come to their own conclusions about the ever-lasting nature of the soul, it takes a great deal of faith to be certain about the after life. To the scientific mind, this won’t do, and the question looks a little more like, ‘what happens to human…


Awakening and the Last Reincarnation

March 4, 2018

  There’s a worm addicted to eating grape leaves. Suddenly he wakes up, call it grace, whatever, something wakes him, and he’s no longer a worm. He’s the entire vineyard, and the orchard too, the fruit, the trunks, a growing wisdom and joy that doesn’t need to devour. ~ Rumi (“The Worm’s Waking”, The Essential Rumi) For the past few years we’ve been writing about Old Souls and Soul Ages…