5 Things You Realize When You Wake Up and Question Reality

February 1, 2018

“What is real? How do you define real? If you’re talking about what you can feel, what you can smell, what you can taste and see, then real is simply electrical signals interpreted by your brain.” ~Morpheus, The Matrix Ever get the feeling that reality isn’t really what we think it is? The further science, technology and human evolution take us the more questions we have about the nature of…


How Your Sleep Position Influences Your Dreams

January 31, 2018

Do you love sleeping on your back, stomach or side? Well, whichever position you prefer, studies show that a slight change in your sleeping posture can affect how you dream. On top of that, it’s not a wise idea if you want to maintain good health. I recently sat down with sleep experts and learned that there’s no perfect sleep position. They went on to say that for sweet dreams,…


Life After Death: The Return to Earth

January 27, 2018

By Dolores Cannon  |  January 23, 2013 When a spirit or soul experiences life after death and studies lessons in Paradise on the astral planes, it also learns about the family it is considering being born to back on Earth. One woman I talked to about this thought the mere idea was eerie: “Do you mean my baby was watching me the whole time I was pregnant?” she asked in wide-eyed…


Which Fear Is Keeping You From Emerging As A Butterfly?

January 24, 2018

News flash: if you’re waiting for the big download, hoping that you will gain this huge insight into why you are here, what you are meant to do, the definition of your life’s purpose this time, my advice to you is to sit down and take a deep breath because this may come as a revelation: it isn’t coming as a big flash of lightening from above or outside or…


The Mind-Body-Spirit Connection – The Pathway to Self Healing

January 12, 2018

What are the causes of illness? Thoughts, attitudes, and beliefs trigger a range of emotions from happiness to sadness, joy to despair. Emotions affect the body, either positively (strengthening it) or adversely (weakening it). Emotional stress is a big factor in causing physical distress–such as headaches, neck, shoulder and back pain. Hawaiian shaman, Serge Kahili King, is the author of several books on self-healing. He discusses the effects of stress in his book, Instant…


4 Methods of Accessing the Most Creative Forces of Your Mind

January 7, 2018

We have read and heard a number of times that we do not utilize the full capacity of our brain, only a fragment of the forces of our Mind are used in our daily life. The full utilization of the potentials of our Mind would, however, add to our personality an immense creative force. The question therefore arises, how we are able to access the creative forces of our Mind?…


The 4 Levels of Spiritual Growth

January 7, 2018

When we, spiritual seekers, look around in the world, we find an infinite multitude of human forms and shapes. If we attempt to perceive this human space as ”the School of Consciousness,” the purpose of which is to direct us back to our original nature, we may try to categorize the multitude of people (this is, naturally, not necessary, the image that we present here is false, it should be…


Edgar Cayce: The Earth Is Catching Up With Time

January 5, 2018

Edgar Cayce, known as the ‘Sleeping Prophet’ once stated, ‘The Earth is catching up with time’ but what does this mean?  Terence McKenna’s Timewave Zero theory is based on the premise that time is spiraling towards the singularity.  Ian Xel Lungold believed that creation is speeding up because there’s less time.  Are these three theories related? Cayce was born on a farm near Hopkinsville, Kentucky on March 18, 1877 where…


Choose a Symbol to Reveal Your Spirit Message

January 2, 2018

Set your intention and then pick one symbol (1 – 6) that stands out to you the most. Go with your first instincts. See what your message is below:   If you picked 1: This is a sign from the Universe that all you need to do has been done and now you can sit back and enjoy the fruits of your labor. The Universe wants to thank you for…