The Love of your Life only comes after the Mistake of your Life.

June 20, 2017

“Maybe our mistakes are what make our fate.” ~ Carrie Bradshaw Perhaps we need to be broken first before we can finally become whole. Painful love is the worst kind of heartbreak. It’s the one we had such high hopes for, the one we gambled everything for—only to find it was a bet that would never be won. So we break into a million small pieces of ourselves and wonder how…


Which Spiritual Mandala Describes Your True Self? QUIZ

June 18, 2017

A mandala makes for an excellent visual tool for your spiritual journey. Several cultures throughout history have used mandalas. Buddhism Hinduism, Aboriginal, Hopi, and ancient alchemy all have histories of mandala use. Mandalas, from the Sanskrit “circle”, have served an important purpose for ages. “Each person’s life is like a mandala – a vast, limitless circle. We stand in the center of our own circle, and everything we see, hear and think forms…


Scientific Proof Thoughts And Intentions Create Physical Reality

June 17, 2017

What would you do if you could change your immediate reality into something even better, RIGHT NOW? Every day, your thoughts and intentions are creating your reality, so why not make it something amazing? Any reputable scientific experiment should be replicable under similar conditions. When Dr. Masaru Emoto proved that thoughts and intentions create reality, the experiment has been replicated numerous times with similar results. The bottom line is that…


Watch as THC Destroys Cancer Cells

June 11, 2017

We’ve previously reported on the therapeutic uses of cannabis and it’s ability to cure cancer. Video has surfaced showing how THC kills cancer cells and leaves healthy cells alone. Watch the video below to see this in action. Reported by Paul Armentano, Senior Policy Analyst for National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws(NORML), cannabinoids give hope to those with certain types of cancer. This first surfaced in 1974 but…


The 12 Types of Lightworkers- Which One are You?

June 10, 2017

Serving humanity doesn’t have to be in the limelight, on the stage, you don’t have to be a spiritual teacher to have an enlightening impact on others. No matter where you are: in a normal looking environment, working in a corporate job, playing in the mainstream area of reality… wherever you are, you’re able to walk your Lightworker’s path. People notice your vibrancy, your love, and support for others, your…


9 Reasons Your Soul is Tired and How to Fix it

June 10, 2017

Waking up, feeling down, depleted of energy and lacking inspiration. We all have times when we feel exhausted, yet if you getting your recommended 8 hours sleep a day and you still feeling like this on a daily basis, it could be a sign that your soul is tired. When your soul is tired, it is often a sign that you are living out of alignment with your soul purpose –…


Place Ice on This Point 2 Times a Day and Something Amazing Will Happen to Your Body!

June 7, 2017

Traditional Chinese medicine is based on the belief that energy (chi or qi) flows through and around the body along pathways called meridians. Acupuncturists and others who practice this medicine believe that illness occurs when something either blocks your chi or causes it to become unbalanced. By helping to increase the flow of chi throughout the body, the organs can function more efficiently. Each meridian in the body corresponds to a…


The Blessing and Curse of an Overactive Mind

June 5, 2017

An overactive mind can be both a blessing and a curse. We often can’t stop thinking, but it is often this deep level of thinking that eventually leads to the big breakthroughs and moments in our lives. In this generation of consumerism and instant gratification it can be rare for people to actually think things through- in this article I cover the blessing and curse of the overactive mind. It…


Researcher Claims Humans Did Not Evolve on Earth

June 5, 2017

It was just earlier this year that some scientists opened up discussion about the possibility that human life originated on Mars after finding a crucial “life-generating” mineral in Martian meteorites. Dr. Ellis Silver is seeking to make waves and spur debate with his new book that centers around the idea that humans did not evolve on Earth. The theory proposes that human life evolved elsewhere and was brought to Earth…