• Why Sacred Geometry Matters So Much
  • The Eyes are the Window to the Soul: An Intro to Iridology
  • This Is Your Brain on Meditation
  • 5 Types of Synchronistic Connections: Everyone We Meet, We Meet for a Reason
  • Mind, Self, Spirit and Soul: What’s the Difference?

The Physical and Emotional Benefits of Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT)

  EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques), also called Tapping, is a healing technique that is capable of providing excellent results in curing physical, emotional, and performance problems. It is based on the fact that emotional stress can diminish the natural healing ability of our human body. Like acupuncture, the techniques utilize the Chinese meridian system, which consists of a complicated system of energy circuits that run throughout our bodies. But unlike…


3 Myths About Consciousness and Death

The problem of studying what happens to consciousness when we die has plagued empiricists for millennia. How do we measure consciousness and how do we observe it once it leaves the body? Researchers at the University of Southampton, UK, have found one way around this dilemma by examining the experiences of over 300 individuals from the U.S, U.K. and Australia who had undergone cardiac arrest and been declared ‘clinically dead’…


German Scientists Discover Light Shatters Cancerous Cells and Other Diseases

We are still on the threshold of fully understanding the complex relationship between light and life, but we can now say emphatically, that the function of our entire metabolism is dependent on light.” ~ Dr. Fritz-Albert Popp It has long been held that non-conventional treatments for cancer such as homeopathy, Tai ji, yoga, or acupuncture couldn’t ‘cure’ a disease because medical science simply didn’t understand how these modalities worked. German…


Why the Quantum World is Changing Everything

Quantum physics is the new physics that is pointing to something far greater than the materialistic world that we once believed to be the basis of our existence. Not only is disproving our original perception of space and time, but it is opening the doors to possibility of time travel, telepathy and consciousness creating our reality. Below are some of the major properties of quantum mechanics and the implications they…


Transcendental Meditation- Scientifically Proven to Prevent Disease

More than 350 peer-reviewed research studies on the Transcendental Meditation (TM) technique have been published in over 160 scientific journals. It increases cardiovascular quality, lowers blood pressure, decreases anxiety and among quantum physicists is considered the fourth state of consciousness in which the entire brain is engaged. This is a small segment of actor/comedian Russell Brand’s interview with renowned quantum physicist Dr. John Hagelin at the David Lynch Foundation’s 3rd…


Scientists Observe Man Travel Out of His Body and Into Space~What He Saw Will Blow You Away

In my life, I’ve seen that certain people have some kind of unique insight of the universe. This is one of the more amazing cases I’ve seen. Without the help of technology, a man named Ingo Swann was able to site and describe Jupiter’s ring before NASA’s Pioneering 10 spacecraft even reached the planet. This incredible ability is known as Remote Viewing. “Successful replication of this type of remote viewing…


If Life Was Just a Dream What Would You Do?

We are programmed to understand that in our conscious “waking life” we have limitations. Limitations that have been placed on us by others, but more importantly limitations placed by ourselves due to social conditioning and programming. Conditioning that started before you were even aware. Programming that was laid upon you as a small child. Removing systematic programming is difficult, but can be achieved through  various practices such as meditation, yoga, pranayama…


The 12 Biggest Life Secrets Forgotten By Mankind

The more I ponder about life, the more I come to one solid realization: The biggest curse and predicament of modern Man is forgetfulness. Like a creeping malaise, forgetfulness has seeped through all of Man’s being and doing. Individually, collectively, historically or culturally, we are spellbound to forget.   We haven’t only forgot our past but also our place in the present and our responsibility of the future. On a…